I went back in time….

I had an interesting day this week. I went back in time–about twelve years.

Their face morphed into view.

I attended a retirement party for a former colleague at the school where we both taught. There were former students wishing Bob–the soon-to-be-retired–well. They were also my students. At that time, they were elementary age. Now they are adults–some I’d not seen for more than twenty-five years! Some introduced themselves to me–which really helped. Others just said “hi” and I politely responded without knowing who they were. Once I realized who they were, their faces morphed into view I recognized them!

I thought a lot that night about those students. What they were like in the former years, and what they’re doing now.Those handsome all grown up men and women are capable members of society. Some parents. Some not. Most of them married.

Life moves on. The school is filled with new students, newer teachers, new goals. My life is different, yet I’m the same person. There are plans for the upcoming year. There will be some new adventures and trips we’ll take. There may even be some detours along the way. Nothing stays the same. Mine doesn’t. Nor my former students. Bob’s life will be different, too. Life is always changing.

Is your life the same?

How about you? Is your life the same as it was twenty years ago? I doubt it very much. Mine is world’s away from then. I loved that life, but I love my life now, too and I look forward to the future. I hope you do, too.