About Shirley Mozena
Shirley Quiring Mozena is a writer, blogger, retreat speaker, musician, and amateur chef. Twice widowed, Shirley has experienced God’s faithfulness again in meeting and marrying widower, Jim Mozena. They live in the Pacific NW and together, work with others grieving the loss of loved ones through the ministry of GriefShare.
Shirley was a winner in the 2020 CCW Cascade Awards for her unpublished article, “Two Amazing Prayers” and was twice finalist in the CCW Cascade Awards for both of her books: Second Chances and Beyond Second Chances. She is available to speak at book clubs, church groups, and retreats. Contact her for availability.
Shirley has co-authored with her husband, Jim, and releasing the second edition of the book re-titled Second Chance at Love: A Practical Guide to Remarriage After Loss. Second Chance at Love was a finalist in the non-fiction category of 2020 Selah Award -Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference.
Shirley was a speaker at the Northwest Ministry Conference in Seattle, Washington. She is a national speaker for Stonecroft Ministries, where she speaks throughout the United States telling her story.
Shirley is a member of Cascade Christian Writers and AWSA—Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.