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Inspiration isn’t Instantaneous
How can I trust and delight in the Lord?
It Was Love
We celebrate Valentine's Day, but what's the story around it?
Praise Him Again
I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! It sounds so simple, but that's what we need to do. Praise him again.
Peace in the Storm
I've been in storms--physical and mental. The best tranquility I ever received was when I called out to him. I can tell you, he hears our cries. He's right there alongside of you.
Stones of Remembrance
In January, I always look back to a precarious time in my history.
He says, “Do not fear”
What fears do you have? What weaknesses are you experiencing? What help do you need?
Keep a Clear Mind
I've been through trials as all people do. The past several months have been more difficult than previous months and I'm learning--once again, there are different ways to respond to troubles and difficulties.
A Promise of Presence
I've believed in the promises of the Bible for a long time. Through the hard times. Through the good times. Through pain. Through lack of pain.
Without Christmas
The most important thing to remember is that Jesus didn't just remain in the manger as a baby, although that's where he started, but a man--who was also God. He now reigns in heaven and one day will rule the earth.
God Bless us Everyone!
Joy to the world, the Lord is come; Let earth [...]
The Morning Star
I've always loved the passage in Job, where God is [...]
Twas the Eve Before the Day
It feels to me as though our whole world is pining for truth and justice and an end to strife. We're not there yet, and won't be until Jesus comes again. In the meantime, this Christmas season brings us hope and a glimpse of what's to come.
It’s a Daily Thing
This morning, I read through the some verses about keeping in check with how we live and think. If we are followers of Jesus, we need to keep short accounts with him. After reading, I was asked what sin might be in my life. Right away, I knew what it was.
A Wink of Time
In the meantime, we trust.
A Test of Faith
But ultimately we will find...the Lord Himself waiting to bestow a double blessing on us for our time of testing.
Until Next Time
I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to attend my aunt's memorial [...]
He Will Hold me Fast
Through all of the uncertainty, we found--and continue to find--hope in God.
Change of Plans
It’s a different situation and time, but I have to reflect on brave words I’ve said in public.