A Song with Hope and Promise
When I heard the song, it took me back.
When I heard the song, it took me back.
She made an impression with me as a young girl. When she and her family visited our family home in Oregon, she dressed up for church and wore spectator pumps.
More than Jim loves me, loves his family, loves his God, there is a greater love...
Like a princess, she sat there, delighted to see me and Jim.
We’re on a journey.
Home. What kind of picture does that bring up to you?
Grab on to the anchor. It is trustworthy. It keeps you snugged up to the "trustworthy anchor for our souls."
It was a stinging experience, but I remembered that earlier prayer and the answer God gave me.
Think about it. We can talk about our life that is about seventy-some years in a little over an hour.
“God is a master of timing” ~ Chris Tiegreen We’re on a cruise to celebrate our tenth anniversary. Mister and Misses Our first year was full of travel: Whistler, Canada. Victoria.Disney World with family. Aunt and uncle, and cousins in Nebraska. Washington DC, taking a train north to Niagara Falls, on to Toronto, [...]