“I don’t feel good,” I moaned.

“Come to my house, my mama can give you something,” my kindergarten friend said.

“No. I just want to go home.”

Walking home with my classmate who was also my neighbor, I had been hit with some stomach illness and only wanted home and my own mother.

Home. What kind of picture does that bring up to you? My childhood home always had a certain smell–a good smell–like peanut butter. Home was a good place. A safe place.When I’m not feeling well, home is where I want to be.

This morning I read from my Bible this: Then anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved (Joel 2:32 NCV). The passage was talking to the people of Judah to return to the Lord and to repent from their ways of ignoring God. The passage was speaking to the people of Judah, but the message transcends time. It’s also speaking to us. 

Some of us have known Jesus Christ–who is God, a long time yet how often we run to other sources to get comfort, advice, deliverance? The passage says “anyone who calls”. That’s you and that’s me! When something bad happens–such as a troubling diagnosis from the doctor, a harsh word from a trusted friend, rejection from a spouse or loved one where do we run? Is it a “prayer chain” number we call and ask others to pray, when right at the moment of need, we could drop down on our knees as ask the God of the Universe to help us? Is it going to the refrigerator for comfort food or drink? I mention these things because that has been my go to as well.

The verse above is calling for repentance and expanded in the New Testament. After Jesus had died, and rose again and ascended into heaven, those who believed in him began telling others about Jesus and how he could save them from eternal death.

12 That Scripture says “anyone” because there is no difference between those who are Jews and those who are not. The same Lord is the Lord of all and gives many blessings to all who trust in him, 13 as the Scripture says, “Anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:12-13 NCV)

That means God hears anyone who wants to repent–change direction in their life.

Lord, I often go to flesh and blood people to tell my troubles and needs to, yet You are right there, ready to hear my prayer. I want to call on You first in any situation I may encounter. Thank You for always being there. In the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Maybe you never truly believed that Jesus died for you and then rose again–that he conquered death. No one has ever stopped death but Jesus, who is God. No one. Then your prayer could be something like this:

Lord, I understand all of us in the human race are sinners and that means me. I believe God took on flesh and became a human being as Jesus Christ, that Jesus died on the cross in my place and that he rose from the dead to prove he was God. I know I’m a sinner and ask for forgiveness. I trust in you, Jesus, to be my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

Come home.

The song below captures some of that longing for home.

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