A Song with Hope and Promise
When I heard the song, it took me back.
When I heard the song, it took me back.
Whenever I see my writing in print, I get excited. It's a banner day when I see my words in print with my byline next to it. I flipped through the five or so pages of the brochure. There it was, right on the front page. "God Cancels a Wedding and Supplies a Husband, their title for the article. I'd called it, "Two Amazing Prayers."
Would you like to join me in discovering some of the good we never expected in this growing old?
How can I trust and delight in the Lord?
I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! It sounds so simple, but that's what we need to do. Praise him again.
In January, I always look back to a precarious time in my history.
What fears do you have? What weaknesses are you experiencing? What help do you need?
I've been through trials as all people do. The past several months have been more difficult than previous months and I'm learning--once again, there are different ways to respond to troubles and difficulties.
I've believed in the promises of the Bible for a long time. Through the hard times. Through the good times. Through pain. Through lack of pain.
The most important thing to remember is that Jesus didn't just remain in the manger as a baby, although that's where he started, but a man--who was also God. He now reigns in heaven and one day will rule the earth.