A Song with Hope and Promise
When I heard the song, it took me back.
When I heard the song, it took me back.
Even if you didn't attend Sunday School as a child, I'll bet you know this song.
She made an impression with me as a young girl. When she and her family visited our family home in Oregon, she dressed up for church and wore spectator pumps.
Just a reminder my book launch for my newest book--A Trustworthy Anchor: God's Hope & Encouragement in the Storms of Life--a forty-day devotional is one week from today!
More than Jim loves me, loves his family, loves his God, there is a greater love...
The first time I read that passage, I was in a tough place in my first marriage.
We’re on a journey.
Whenever someone close to me dies, I am comforted with these words: He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.
Grab on to the anchor. It is trustworthy. It keeps you snugged up to the "trustworthy anchor for our souls."
There will be toasts to the bride and groom. Gifts given. And a hearty farewell as the bride and groom escape to their honeymoon and begin their life together.