Just a reminder my book launch for my newest book–A Trustworthy Anchor: God’s Hope & Encouragement in the Storms of Life–a forty-day devotional is one week from today!

God is trustworthy
We’ll assemble at my church, Bethel Community Church at 1458 B St., Washougal, WA at 6:30 pm. We’ll provide bites to eat, something to drink, and a personal author interview. There’ll be a drawing for a free book and prizes! We hope to see you there.
I would appreciate it if you’d let me know you plan to attend, so we have plenty to eat and drink.
I realize some of you live too far away to attend, so click on this link or use the QR code where you can purchase the book.

QR Code to purchase books.
If you’d like a autographed book and cannot attend, you can send me a check at the special launch rate, plus shipping. The cost for one book would be $14.00, for two books, $26.00.
I sure hope to meet you next Monday!
Blessings on your week,
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