We’ve just concluded a trip across part of our vast country. Five-thousand miles. We caravanned half of those miles with our grandson, Caleb. “I want to meet some of my family–your cousins–while I head to Virginia,” he said.
“Could we drive along with you?” I asked. And that’s how our adventure began. I could introduce my husband to some of those who hadn’t met him as well as visit some of the other cousins who had already met Jim. I especially wanted to visit the last surviving family member of my mother’s birth family. My Aunt Ruth.
- Aunt Ruth, Caleb, & me
- Aunt Ruth Richert Jones and me
- Rose Richert Quiring, my mom and Ruth’s oldest sister
I knocked on the white door of her apartment and heard a faint voice, “Come in.” And there she was, wearing a pink top and black pants. It was like seeing my mother again. I choked a little, “Hi, Aunt Ruth, it’s Shirley,” I told her. Just like my mother, she could barely see because of the macular degeneration she suffered from. Her voice sounded like Mom’s voice. Her delicate hands, as she gestured, were like Mom’s hands, too.
Like a princess, she sat there, delighted to see me and Jim. Ninety-eight years old, her eyes mostly shut–I think because she couldn’t see–we talked about our families. The past. The present. It was just like sitting in my mother’s apartment more than thirteen years ago.
I’m not sure if I’ll see Aunt Ruth here on earth again. Perhaps not. But no one knows when their time will come. I might go before she does. I do know that I will see her again on the other side. Heaven.
Often when I am dropping off to sleep, I quote Bible verses in my head. One of my favorites is in the gospel of John.
Do not let your heart be troubled. You have put your trust in God, put your trust in Me also. 2 There are many rooms in My Father’s house. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going away to make a place for you. 3 After I go and make a place for you, I will come back and take you with Me. Then you may be where I am. 4 You know where I am going and you know how to get there (John 14: 1-4 NLV).
It is a great comfort to me now, that I will see those loved ones who have put their trust in God. And I know Aunt Ruth–just as I have– put our faith and trust in God, through his Son, Jesus, many years ago. I Corinthians 15: 21-22, “So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. 22 Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.”
Perhaps you’re grieving the loss of someone and you’re not sure that you have a place in Heaven. You can pray this simple prayer, “God, I realize that getting into heaven is a choice and it’s not a choice of ‘where’ I’m going. I know I’m a sinner and that I need you desperately. I believe you died on the cross to pay my sin. I’m realize I need you to remove that sin and it’s belief that you died for me. Thank you for giving me a perfect standing in your sight. I want you to show me what I should do in every area of my life.”
After saying that prayer, you can learn more about what God wants for you in this life. Read the Bible, God’s word. I was amused when I heard a pastor say, “You want to hear God’s voice? Open your Bible and read it out loud–then you’ll hear it!”
Seeing my Aunt Ruth makes me realize she’s closer to entering eternity than the five-or-so-years before when I last saw her. But I know this is not the end. Only the beginning of never-ending time–eternity.
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Apparently my aunt is like my mom. They loved pink! Enjoy some pink with me:
Until next Friday,
So enjoyed the message and look forward to
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Thanks Larry!