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Autumn Grief
There are all kinds of grief.
Little Ones to Him Belong
Even if you didn't attend Sunday School as a child, I'll bet you know this song.
She Wore Spectator Pumps
She made an impression with me as a young girl. When she and her family visited our family home in Oregon, she dressed up for church and wore spectator pumps.
Trust in the Maker
This was the tallest rock I had ever tried to rappel off, the double rope heavy in my hands. But I was ready to go.
Rocks of Remembrance
Would we forget to pray for our kids and grands if we didn't have the bowl of rocks with their names on them? Probably not, but seeing their names on the rocks is a reminder to both of us to pray for our loved ones.
Light in the Shadows
In our dark world, I'm focusing on the Light. It is my only hope. It can be yours, too.
Book Launch Coming in One Week!
Just a reminder my book launch for my newest book--A Trustworthy Anchor: God's Hope & Encouragement in the Storms of Life--a forty-day devotional is one week from today!
We Celebrate Eleven
I've had many happy and exciting moments in my life. Falling in love. Getting married. Having three wonderful children, one in heaven. I've climbed mountains, scrambled up rock faces. Crossed the Columbia River Bar and fished in the ocean. Flown in small airplanes with my late husband and son. Snorkeled in the Coral Sea, jumped waves in the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, to name just a few of my adventures...
The Land of Grief
My experience with grief has taught me that walking through that shadow is hard, but during the walk through the shadow, as the psalmist wrote: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me," Psalm 23: 4, we are promised his presence.
Anchor in the Storm
When I'm affected with circumstances beyond my control, I go to the God of everything. The maker of the universe--and the storms of uncertainty.
Not Finished
If you haven't experienced grief, one day you will. You don't have to dread the day or somehow "prepare" yourself for loss, instead, build up your relationship with God.
During the Valley and the Storm
Do we need comfort when we are lighthearted and all is well? No. Comfort--one of God's greatest gifts--comes during the depths of sorrow and loss.
Happy Birthday, Jim!
More than Jim loves me, loves his family, loves his God, there is a greater love...
The God who Made You
The first time I read that passage, I was in a tough place in my first marriage.
Family Resemblance
Like a princess, she sat there, delighted to see me and Jim.
Spacious Skies and Waves of Grain
The best part about the trip was finally arriving at our destination.
What a Day—God’s Little Miracles
We’re on a journey.
Sometimes, We Wait
Sometimes we have to wait. It might be easier to do something instead of waiting.