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The God who Made You
The first time I read that passage, I was in a tough place in my first marriage.
Family Resemblance
Like a princess, she sat there, delighted to see me and Jim.
Spacious Skies and Waves of Grain
The best part about the trip was finally arriving at our destination.
What a Day—God’s Little Miracles
We’re on a journey.
Sometimes, We Wait
Sometimes we have to wait. It might be easier to do something instead of waiting.
Spring, Summer Newsletter, 2024
Please enjoy my newsletter.
A Sacred Experience
Last week, I told the story about my baby who was stillborn. I didn't tell the whole story and there's a portion I believe is very important.
Time Remembered
I was never the same after that loss and although I feel sad when I remember, there is great hope and strength.
Commit, Pray, Establish, Trust
I'm working on a new project. I believe it is something I can do and want to do. But sometimes, as I study my project, I am daunted by the task.
Stop, Wait, Listen
Being in the beautiful outdoors has been refreshing and I've taken some time to just enjoy the beauty that surrounds me.
He Bandages Our Wounds
Often in our lives we have hurts.
Pentecost Sunday
Whether your church recognizes Pentecost this Sunday or not, you can celebrate it. I encourage you to read about it and thank God for the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Come Home
Home. What kind of picture does that bring up to you?
The Word Gives Life, Precious Gems
Whether you are young or old, the best place you can go to for truth, wisdom, faith and be "equipped" for every good work is God's word.
Little Mary
Whenever someone close to me dies, I am comforted with these words: He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.
A Sure Anchor
Grab on to the anchor. It is trustworthy. It keeps you snugged up to the "trustworthy anchor for our souls."
Be Still and Wait
I don't know where you are or what your circumstances might be, but I can tell you that sometimes we don't need to do anything but wait.