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Crowns and Ice and Length of Life
We all have a time to live here on earth and then die.
What’s Your Plan?
Do you make plans for the new year? Goals, resolutions?
A Tale of Two Men–and their New Hearts
I expected instant physical healing. Instead, I saw a change of a completely different kind.
A Pure Heart
He doesn't yell at us. He doesn't withhold mercy. He simply asks us to recognize our wrongs and confess them. And then he forgives.
I Will be With You
I heard the words when I was deep in grief to "lean into the grief", to let the sorrow envelope you like the waves of the ocean. Work with it, and you will move through it. You will be stronger for it.
Standing Strong
We are standing strong on the shoulders of our previous spouses.
Coming soon…
We are celebrating our tenth anniversary and today, are in [...]
Master of Timing
“God is a master of timing” ~ Chris Tiegreen We’re [...]
Take Delight
As we think about the coming of the promised Messiah this Christmas season, I’m going to focus on delighting in the Lord.
Let Down, Be Quiet
I searched for the Hebrew meaning of "still" and I discovered it means, “to slacken, let down, or cease.” While most of the psalm was written in the third person, this verse, was first person. God speaking directly to the reader--me and now, you as well.
Newsletter from Shirley–November, 2023
May you and yours enjoy this coming Thanksgiving day with good food, great conversation, and most of all, remembering Who provides us all things, our heavenly Father.
She slammed the door. I screamed in agony as I looked at four distinct dents in my fingers. Pain exploded like fireworks on the fourth of July. I
Teach Them
I always looked forward to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School was a bonus. It didn’t matter that our classrooms were tiny basement rooms with little or no decoration. I loved Bible stories and singing songs about how much Jesus loved me.
Children are a Gift
What children are in your sphere of influence? Your own children? Grandchildren?
Enduring the Race
This morning, I read about trusting God in frightening and precarious situations and how many of the characters, who were real people, depended on the strength that God gave them.
Grab on to the Light
For me, there's only one place I can place my trust. We can't depend on our government to help, for our world to be safe. Jesus promises himself.
An Anchor We can Trust
I'll never forget a time when I had to trust in something I could hold in my hand, but could I trust it to protect me?
He Sustains and Gives Rest
We may not have "tens of thousands assailing us", but we do have niggling fears that for sure I think about.