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Children are a Gift
What children are in your sphere of influence? Your own children? Grandchildren?
Enduring the Race
This morning, I read about trusting God in frightening and precarious situations and how many of the characters, who were real people, depended on the strength that God gave them.
Grab on to the Light
For me, there's only one place I can place my trust. We can't depend on our government to help, for our world to be safe. Jesus promises himself.
An Anchor We can Trust
I'll never forget a time when I had to trust in something I could hold in my hand, but could I trust it to protect me?
He Sustains and Gives Rest
We may not have "tens of thousands assailing us", but we do have niggling fears that for sure I think about.
It’s a Heart Change
I haven't forgotten that swift angry feeling that exploded inside.
A Day to Celebrate
God is good and whatever time we have left together, we will give thanks. We ask the LORD to “watch the city” our marriage. We give our time on this earth to Him. And we are grateful.
My Weakness, His Strength
I am embarking on something new..I'm not in charge. He is.
He Knows Us
It was as though someone else had entered into my body and me.
My Travels to What’s Important
My favorite type of travel is still a road trip.
Waiting for the Return
For sure, it will happen when we least expect it.
Was He an Angel?
As we drove home, we discussed our experience with the mysterious skier. We hadn't seen him going up the canyon. He didn't ski down to the road either. He just disappeared.
Birthdays, Books, and Marriage
I like to think of my life as books.
Golden Bowls of Incense
I've always been struck by this passage that accentuates the importance of our prayers. The Creator of the Universe hears our prayers.
Sunrise, Sunset
What about your faith? Do others observe it? If something happened to you what would people say about you? Would they say you were a follower of Jesus and lived out your faith? Something to ponder.
Three Women, Three Friendships
I know I'll see her later when I enter eternity in Heaven.
Meet my Dad
I hope you can look instead to your Heavenly Father, who can't be anything but a Good Father.
Three Women, Three Blessings
What are the high points in your life? I can say the first was when I recognized I needed Jesus to help me be who I needed to be.