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It’s for You!
Sometimes we can't see the end of a difficult time.
We–I–Haven’t Arrived
I knew I didn't respond in the right way, even though I said I was sorry, I really wasn't.
The End of the Story
While we know what happened on Sunday morning. He rose from the dead. He appeared to many–at least five-hundred. A miracle and proof of His deity. But first, let’s remember.
It’s so Simple
No other religious leader has risen from the dead.
Source of Comfort
If you are suffering grief right now, remember this, it was our sorrows that weighed him down. He carried your sorrows.
Missing a Friend
I will miss Karen, but I am comforted with the knowledge I will see her once again.
What Does Love Mean?
What songs move you? Have you thought about how often you use the word love?
The Voice
My mother wrote of a time in northeastern Montana where she and my uncle were caught in a terrible blizzard, walking home from school.
Snowfall at Last!
Our lives are like that. Routines continue. And then, something happens.
Trust with Hope
Since that time now seventeen years ago, there have been more incidences of God's loving care for me.
Quiet Rest
While away from the devices--including the computer--we read, we walked outdoors, and talked. It was peaceful. It was restful. It felt good.
Facing Loss and Grieving with Hope
We grieve. We've lost something precious to us in this life. More importantly, is a belief you are secure and will be with Jesus when you die.
Safety Under the Feathers
Just as we need to work our muscles to remain strong, keep our balance as we age, we also need to work our spiritual muscles by reading the promises God provides us in his word.
Encouragement from the Book
I can tell you friends, I have not been separated from God. I've had hard things happen in my life, but God was there.
The Aha Moment
I am so grateful for the Spirit’s presence in my life. He reminds me. Sometimes it takes a few hours for me to hear that inner voice that is there.
Auld Lang Syne AKA Old Long Since
So, yes. Ring in the new year. Be glad the past year is past--especially if we have made poor choices.
A Blessing to You
May he bless and keep you.
In All Things
Often things happen in our lives that we don’t understand.