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The Scent of the Master
As Christians, we are often unaware of our influence on other people. Sometimes, with our attitude and closeness with Christ, we exude a fragrance that is good.
It’s a Promise
Sometimes things happen to us that cause us to feel like God is not with us. We feel abandoned and alone.
Do You Believe?
Today for me, life is good. My needs are being met. I have plenty. But I know there will be times just like Kathy and Jim, where I might receive news I don't want to hear.
Fears, the Right Path, the Solid Rock
How do we live? There are different voices raging in our world, our nation, our state, our county, and our city. There are strong opinions in all directions.
See you Later, Mom
Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing [...]
The Power, the Creation, the Maker
Forty three years ago, on Sunday morning, May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted. I can remember that day as though it were yesterday.
Relationship With God
I traveled these more than three-hundred miles because I have a story to tell.
Life is precious. We are created in God's image.
See You Later!
This week I attended a funeral for another dear friend. This is the second one I've attended in six weeks.
It’s for You!
Sometimes we can't see the end of a difficult time.
We–I–Haven’t Arrived
I knew I didn't respond in the right way, even though I said I was sorry, I really wasn't.
The End of the Story
While we know what happened on Sunday morning. He rose from the dead. He appeared to many–at least five-hundred. A miracle and proof of His deity. But first, let’s remember.
It’s so Simple
No other religious leader has risen from the dead.
Source of Comfort
If you are suffering grief right now, remember this, it was our sorrows that weighed him down. He carried your sorrows.
Missing a Friend
I will miss Karen, but I am comforted with the knowledge I will see her once again.
What Does Love Mean?
What songs move you? Have you thought about how often you use the word love?
The Voice
My mother wrote of a time in northeastern Montana where she and my uncle were caught in a terrible blizzard, walking home from school.
Snowfall at Last!
Our lives are like that. Routines continue. And then, something happens.