I’ve been out of town this week, traveling throughout the beautiful state I live in. There is such variety and vastness. I’ve shared a few photos from the trip. While in Grandview, we saw acres of large empty boxes ready for the next apple harvest. Driving east, we saw acres of wheat growing so green. I watched the sky–Montana is the “Big Sky Country”–I think the eastern part of our state is that as well.
- Loving horses grooming each other in Starbuck, WA
- Grain elevators
- Near Pullman, WA
I traveled these more than three-hundred miles because I have a story to tell. I share my testimony–what God has done in my life through joys and sorrows. I spoke to two women’s groups pictured below.
- In Pataha
- My book display
- Wearing my hat at “Mad hatters tea party”–sheesh, I look like my mother!

We had tea sandwiches, were given the history of tea. Each of us wore our favorite hat and brought our favorite tea cup. The cucumber sandwiches were especially good!

Welcome sign
Mill. Beautiful inside.
Ultimately the most important part of my talk is how to have a relationship with God. Below, please read what I include what I say.
God cares about you. He is there to be your Savior. God wants a relationship with us. That’s why He created us and placed our ancestors, Adam and Eve in the perfect place. They chose to disobey God’s instructions–you can read about it in Genesis 3. Just like we inherit physical traits from our parents, we have inherited a sin nature from our ancestors. I don’t have to convince you that we have a sin nature–from telling a fib, to committing murder, we all sin. We need something to cover that sin nature we inherited.
In the Old Testament, man made sacrifices to cover their sin. But two thousand years ago, God sent his son to be the perfect sacrifice. While on earth as God/man, Jesus lived a perfect life. He didn’t sin. Instead he became the perfect sacrifice and died for our sins, once and for all. The best part? He rose from death. In dying for our sins, and coming back to life, we now have eternal life through him. All we need to do is believe. Believe that Jesus died–and rose again to cover our sins. We must acknowledge to God we want to go our own way. We need to ask Jesus to come into our life and forgive us for those sins, of going our own way. He does just that when we believe in his death and resurrection and forgiveness. Then, we will have eternal life to live with God forever. While we live on earth, we give control of our lives to God. We seek His counsel in all we do and say. Our eternal life begins here on earth and continues after we die.
I made the decision to follow Jesus early in my life. It was easy for me to accept the fact I was a sinner. I knew in my heart I did wrong things. Since that time, He has been in my life through tough times, happy times, ordinary times. I know I will spend eternity with him when I die.
He can do that for you, too. We all are aware of wrong that we’ve done in our lives. It can weigh on us. We need to be forgiven. We can’t forgive ourselves. We need the forgiveness of the Perfect One. He provides it. It says in I John 1:9,” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Then we are made new, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
If you haven’t taken that step of acknowledging you need God to take away your sins, don’t delay. He’s there. He loves you so much, he died for you.
I can tell you it was the best decision I ever made. I believe you will experience relief and joy in this relationship with Jesus Christ.
Tell me about your experience with God. I enjoy reading your Christ journey.
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I had my hip replacement on 4/18, followed by 2 wks in Rehab. Home now, but in toxic situation. Prayers answered as I find a new place to live.
I will pray for you.