And when he had taken it [the scroll], the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people (Revelation 5:8).
Today I was reading about worship of our God. This scene is in heaven near the end of time.
In this passage, it talks about the elders worshipping the Lamb–Jesus. He was about to open the scroll and the elders were surrounding the throne of God. Each of them–as the passage says–were holding bowls of incense that held the prayers of God’s people. This means all of the people for all time.
Incense has been used often in the Bible as a symbolism for prayer. Prayers for help, for salvation, for healing, for protection, prayers of grief, prayers for changing me into the image of Christ, those prayers are there. My prayers. Your prayers. All prayers from all people from all time. God hears them. He desires to hear them. He collects them in bowls of incense.
I’ve always been struck by this passage that accentuates the importance of our prayers. The Creator of the Universe hears our prayers. He wants us to pray to Him. He hears them. Collects them. What wonder! Below are just a sample this week of the wonders of God’s creation.
- Cheyenne
The Creator designed so much beauty and the photos above are only a tiny replica of what God has created. We don’t worship God’s creation, but Him–the One who made them all.
Will you join me? Right now, we can’t see God, but one day, we will. He enjoys our prayers of all kinds. They are as incense to Him.
The song below is a tiny picture of what the scene in Heaven will be like. There will be many more voices singing one day.
“Dear Lord, may we be worthy. We worshipYou. We praise You. In the name of the worthy Lamb, Jesus, Amen.”
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