My beloved is mine and I am his (Song of Solomon 2:16 NIV).
“Do you love your current husband as much as your other ones?”
That’s a question I’m asked often as a facilitator at GriefShare. It’s one I contemplated when I was widowed and bereft without my dear husband.
I like to think of my life as books.

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Book One, my life as a child growing up.
Book Two, with my first husband, Bill, where we grew up together–I was nineteen, he was twenty-one. We had a family. Raised our children. Had grandchildren. And then, Bill’s life was over.
Book Three. My life wasn’t over–it continued. The time period in this book was shorter, but much took place during this time. I learned the sustenance from God. I learned to depend on Him alone. He was my Rock. My Fortress. He was with me in my grief and loss. God healed my broken heart. After two years, I married again.
Book Four. I found love again, when I believed I’d never love like I did before. I learned I could love and be loved. Book four is shorter, but no less important than the first marriage or the third marriage. Just different. It didn’t have as many chapters, but it was a beautiful time with a happy start, and a tearful goodbye.
Book Five. A really important book. I absolutely learned to live alone. I made some errors in the first few chapters of this book, thinking marriage would take my pain of loss away, but I was wrong. I found myself engaged to the wrong man. Fortunately, he broke it off and that was the right thing. In the pain of that break-up, I learned to be content by myself. I even began to enjoy the solitude of living alone. I learned God was all I needed. He was there with me as I healed from loss. Not another man, but God Himself.
And finally, Book Six. The book I am in right now. I am married to Jim. He is the one who is right for me at this very time. We are the perfect match. Today, August 4, we celebrate his birthday.
A few years ago, I made an acrostic with Jim’s name. I hope you get to know my Jim even better.
Jim’s name is James Patrick Mozena.
J-Joyful. He is joyful in everything he does. I will ask him a question and he’ll joyfully turn enquiring, “Yes?”
A– Active. He is the most up-wired guy I know. “Would you like to….?” He always says, “Yes!”—With that smile and energy!
M–Manly. There are several adjectives that describe manly: masculine, courageous, honorable. All three fit my Jim to a “T”!
E-Enthusiastic.All. The. Time.
S–Spiritual. He murmurs as he’s getting out of bed, readying our morning coffee, chores, “Thank-you Jesus,” he whispers.
P – Passionate. Jim passionately loves me. He shows me with everything he does. He passionately loves his family. My family. And most of all, he is passionate about his belief in Jesus Christ, his Savior and God.
M–Merry. Jim absolutely loves Merry Christmases. That’s why we chose this season to get married—and it was close enough we didn’t have to wait too long when we set the date.
O–Order. Jim likes order. He makes coffee for me every morning—but the night before, he must grind the coffee beans and ready the coffee pot.
Z–Zest. Jim has a zest for life. Everything he does, is with zest.When he gets in the flower beds to weed, he comes into the house with lots of mud on his knees because he zestfully weeds, cleans, makes coffee, stirs the pot, washes the car, worships his Lord.
E–Even-tempered. I have never heard Jim raise his voice. He is calm and even. I feel safe with him.
N–Negotiator. Most of Jim’s career was spent negotiating with all-knowing doctors in better ways to run their clinical and operational processes. He persistently stuck to his ideas of process improvement—because he knew they were the best.
A– Adores. Jim adores me. Enough said.
In answer to that oft asked question, I love each man as much as I possibly could during those books they are in of my life. I’m so grateful that God brought each of these men into my life at the time He did. I am triply blessed!

Happy birthday, dearest Jim!
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What a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY/TRIBUTE to Jim! I look forward to Friday mornings when I get your blog. Thank you! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jim! God bless you both.
Thank you so much! You’re a treasure!
Shirley, what a sweet remembrance in today’s blog. It also reminds me of how love in a long-term marriage changes throughout the years. Happy Birthday to Jim. Judy
Yes, indeed a long-term marriage is a long book with twists and turns along the way. Thanks for reading and responding!
Love, Shirley
Shirley, this is one of your very best. I love the concept of life as books (might try thinking of it like that for myself), and the acrostic was both clever and true.
Now THAT’s a compliment dear sis! Love you!
Hi Shirley,
Thank you for sharing. I’m in the Book Five resting in God…feeling the comfort of Jesus’s arm around my shoulder… I’m a widow and fell in love with a widower. We had a wonderful time and were engaged then he started to back up…broke our engagement…this is a devastating time…vulnerable with raw emotions.
I don’t know what is next…doing my best staying in the present…moving into an apartment…seeing my counselor…praying…quieting my brain. Am only able to be with “safe” friends and family.
Your article has given me hope…feeling blessed.
Thank you Polly. So glad you can rest in our God! Blessings to you! Love, Shirley