I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16
“Is this right? It seems much too far to me. I think we took the wrong turn.” I had climbed this peak numerous times and so had my daughter. Below a trails guide description:
This challenging 15.8-mile, out-and-back hike gains 4,500 feet of elevation on its way to spectacular views atop Table Mountain. This is the ultimate Gorge hike.
Views are in every direction, from Mount Hood to Mount Rainier, and from the Gorge’s western portals eastward, toward Hood River.

Table Mountain, from Wikemedia.org
That bright Saturday morning, with my daughter Erika, and her two sons, Andrew and Caleb, ages 8 and 9, we took that challenging hike. We’d scrambled up the 4500 feet to the top, walked across the flat, green meadow that was like a table. Oohed and aahed– at the fabulous view. We cautioned the boys not to get too close to the edge of the steep cliff.
The descent is less difficult, but tedious as you scramble over rocks and scree. At last, we were on more level ground and stepped up our pace. We could sense we were nearly done. And then, the trail did not look familiar any longer. The guidebook said, “There are several routes from here, and the trail is a bit of a maze.” Yup. We were lost. And tired. Our snacks were eaten and the water nearly gone.
We had our cell phones, and providentially, there was cell phone service. We called my son. He’d climbed it many times, too, and had a great memory for where those maze of trails led to the parking lot. He talked us out to the trail we needed to get on. At last, we found our way back.
God promises us guidance as we traverse this life, too. I was encouraged this morning, as I wrote down some concerns of mine. I read in Isaiah,
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. (41:13).
He promises to help us. We don’t need cell phone service either!
“Lord, please forgive me when I think I won’t be able to accomplish something I believe you have told me to do. You remind us to “not fear”. That you will help us and take our hands to guide. You promise to guide us along unfamiliar paths. Thank you for the reminder and help me to depend on you always.”
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Enjoy the music. God is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.
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