It’s a new year. In most households, the Christmas tree is down, decorations put back into their boxes until next Christmas.
I love Christmas and all of the lights, nativity scenes and baubles.
But after a time, they become dusty, the greens dry up, and the glitter drops to the floor. Kind of like life. It’s fun to go to a party all dressed up, or go on vacation to a special place, but after awhile, we want to go home. To our familiar place.
A lot of people–Christian or not–make New Year’s resolutions. Our home group discussed this past week what our “goals” would be–not necessarily “resolutions.”
I meet on a regular basis with a young woman whom I’m fortunate enough wants to meet with me–someone her grandmother’s age. We talk about life in general, what God has been teaching us, and pray about special needs. This year we’re going to read a book together on the subject of our thought life. Hopefully, we’ll learn more about how our thought life can leave us frustrated and feel defeated. The author of the book encourages us to meditate. Not just empty our minds and let thoughts ramble, but meditate on Scripture. Below are a few Scripture verses that help me.
Today I’m meditating on this verse:
But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord (2 Timothy 4:5 NLT).
A clear mind. What does that mean? Often some situation in my life can lead to rampant, negative thoughts. It isn’t good–just like drinking too much, taking more than enough meds to make us feel better, overeating, or even binging on movies or romance novels.
How about suffering? We all have hardships. In some countries, people who are Christians suffer for their faith and can pay a high price for believing–imprisonment and sometimes even death. Most of us–at least in our country–endure different kinds of difficulties. Illness. A lost job. Death. Broken relationships. Depression. Over-commitment or over-scheduling.
I’ve been through trials as all people do. The past several months have been more difficult than previous months and I’m learning–once again, there are different ways to respond to troubles and difficulties.
How? Focus on the One who promises to be with us no matter what. Jesus said, I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. I can tell you he has been with me.
Life is good and I love life, but sometimes it is also hard. We can ask ourselves “why is this happening to me?” and it’s ok to question things that happen to us, but if we focus on the bad instead of the promise of the peace in Christ, we can become bitter. It’s hard to be around a negative, bitter person.
I’m going to brag on my husband this morning.
He has been enduring a lot of pain the past several months and although he’s been helped by medications, they don’t take away all of the pain. In fact, while he’s healing and recovering, his doctor told him he may have chronic pain the rest of his life because of the weakness in his spine. Jim has said numerous times, “The pain helps me experience just a little of the pain that Christ endured in his life on earth.” He isn’t just saying it. He lives it. I live with him and it’s true.
Jim is teaching me, and I’m learning myself that when troubles come–and they will come–to lean into the difficulty not by myself, but with the One who promises to be with me, no matter what. The promise that you may have peace is really true.
“Today, Lord, I ask that you be with those who are experiencing trouble this day. Whatever the difficulty might be. You are familiar with anything we experience and you tell us you will never leave us, never forget us. Thank you for the Bible that can be our rock in times of troubles. In your name, Jesus, Amen.”
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I posted this song a few weeks ago. Jim listened to this song many times and it gave him comfort as he walked through the difficult months. If you haven’t listened to it, please take the time to do so. He will hold you fast…
So glad to see Jims smiling and know the Lord is healing him and you. Thank you for sharing this song again. I love this one.
Yes! Making good progress. We give praise to God, our healer. Thanks for reading! Hugs, Shirley