This morning I read a devotion talking about discouragement. It was written by a German missionary to London, England, George Mueller. During his life, he pastored a church there as well, he established an orphanage. Mueller found there were many children in the mid to late 1800’s who were orphaned and simply lived on the streets.
His story is fascinating and his faith amazing.
I’ll tell one brief story for a need the orphanage had. The housemother of the orphanage told Mueller there was no food one morning. “Have the children get dressed for school and be seated in the dining room,” Mueller instructed, for he knew somehow, God would provide food. The children sat at the tables, waiting. Soon, there was a knock on the door, and a baker said, “I couldn’t sleep last night and somehow I knew you would need bread so I baked three batches for you. May I bring them in?” And of course, Mueller let him deliver the bread. There was another knock on the door. This time it was the milkman. His cart had broken down right in front of the orphanage and the milk would spoil before the cart was fixed and would he take the extra milk? It was just enough for the thirsty 300 children.
There are many stories of God providing Mueller’s orphanage and his faith grew. His early story is also interesting. You see, he wasn’t always a man of faith.
As a young boy and teenager, he stole money from his father, would get drunk. He even made fun of Christians while he was attending a Bible college. What changed him? He was invited to a Bible study–he went because he thought it would be fun to belittle the people in the class afterwards. He was ungodly. But something happened at that Bible study. He saw people who really knew and believed in God and the Bible. Before the end of the week, he knelt at his bed and asked God to forgive his sins. There’s so much more to the story and there have been many books written about this German missionary to London and there isn’t room to write all of them here.
Today I read in a devotion he wrote with the theme of the verse above. Here’s part of it: Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? In the devotion, Mueller asked, just as the psalmist asked, “Why am I so discouraged?” He reminded us that there’s only two reasons to be discouraged: 1. if we were unbelievers or, 2. were converted and still living in sin. He reminded the believer–that’s me and you–we should, not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything (Philippians 4:6).
Mueller reminded us to read on in the psalm passage, I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! It sounds so simple, but that’s what we need to do. Praise him again.
I can tell you after many years of life that it is best to put our hope in God and praise him. Again and again. In spite of circumstances that might not be lack of bread or milk, but what? You fill in the blank.

There is always hope…
Discouragement comes from lack of hope. Yet, the psalm says we can put our hope in God. Do we believe it or not? If we have a relationship with God–Jesus Christ–then we have everything.
Mueller’s faith was amazing. But we, too can have that faith. Immersing ourselves in the word of God really helps. Then when those times of discouragement, fear or sadness, we can remember: put your hope in God. It sounds simple, yet true.
As I was writing, I remembered a song from years ago. I found this one and I think it might lift your spirits as it did mine.
Please take the time to listen to the song below that is totally from the above Scripture. Great harmony and praise. You will be so encouraged!
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