I (Shirley) am writing this letter as we fly 34,000 feet above the Earth to Portland from Puerto Vallerta,
Mexico. We are returning from a delightful 5th anniversary celebration. We relaxed by the pool, took an
occasional dip to cool off from the warm eighty-something sunshine. We jumped the ocean waves where the water
seemed warmer than than the pool. We enjoyed our stay at an all-inclusive resort, relishing every bite and sip!

December, 2018
One of our favorite getaways this year was a blended family cruise to beautiful Alaska. There were fifteen who
were able to go on the seven-day cruise from Seattle to Juneau, and Skagway. We cruised through beautiful
Glacier Bay National Park where we sailed among icebergs, took a bus tour into Yukon Territory, hiked to the
Mendenhall Glacier, and took a pedicab tour through Victoria. Our families met each night for dinner where we
enjoyed food and tales of our day.

Mozena/Rudberg/Sagert Families
Our family:
Between the two of us, we have eight children-steps included, and eighteen grandchildren! Our two oldest(Rebekah & Steven and Taylor & Ben) are married.The next three are gainfully employed (Tucker, Kennedy, & Austyn who owns & runs his own business). There are two in college (Sarah-majoring in Mechanical Engineering at UW and Andrew-majoring in Political Science at Corban U.), three in high school (Caleb, Haley, & Annabel), four in middle school (Landon, Cole, Emily, & Rowan), two elementary age (Olivia & Meghan), and two preschoolers (Rosalie & Ruth). Attempting to attend their plays, science fairs, and athletic events, or visiting the youngest in the Midwest, can be challenging, but we enjoy every bit of it.

Mr & Mrs Christie, June, 2018
New Book!
We are working on a book together, Shirley doing most of the writing, but both of us adding to the content, while Jim listens countless times to what has been written. Here’s a brief description:
Ready or “knot”? Finding a loving partner late in life takes some careful thought and study. This is a step
not to be taken lightly—even for seasoned citizens.….
The working title is, Second Chance Love: Seven Areas to Consider Before Remarriage.
GriefShare–our ministry
Twice a year, we facilitate a thirteen-week grief support group at our church. We have been told how
helpful this program is and know from our own personal experience how supportive it was to us. Those
who are grieving truly need someone who understands their extreme loss and the complexities of
experiencing the death of a spouse, child, or loved one. Our next sessions begin in January.
We hope you are enjoying this special time of the year. We are awed by the wonderful gift our great God
gave us in the form of His Son, Jesus, who became human, lived, died and rose again from the dead!
The words of this Christmas Carol written by John Francis Wade sum it up beautifully:
O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.
The best is yet to come!
Jim and I feel so very blessed that we met each other five years ago. We enjoy our relationship with each
other and our extended family and especially the relationship we both share with our Lord and Savior.
We know the best is yet to come—which gives us hope for the future—here or beyond in eternity.
May God richly bless you this year. Let us adore Him, the Savior of the world!
Our love and best wishes,
Jim and Shirley Mozena

Merry Christmas! Jim and Shirley Mozena, 2018
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