I’ve been watching high school track and field events my grandsons are involved in. It’s amazing how determined their faces are as they earnestly perform the tasks at hand. The older one, Andrew, does the longer distance runs. Caleb, the younger of the two, does the hurdles. The hurdles are over in less than a minute and I’m amazed at the energy expelled during the event. In the longer distance—two miles—eight laps, the energy must be meted out so he can finish well.
I admire these guys—they work hard at doing their best. It shows on their faces.
And their readiness for the starting gun.
I’m entering a season that is uncharted. My children are all grown up. My grandchildren are growing up—several are adults, married and on their own. I realize some things I simply will not accomplish any more. When I see the gazelle-like girls running down the track, or the boys for that matter, I know I won’t be doing that in my lifetime any more. I will encourage from the sidelines. Shouting as loud as I can. But the track event won’t be mine.
My hubby and I often say we’re in our fourth quarter—the early part—and we’ve got lots to do before the end. That’s why we travel as much as we can. Go to as many sporting events as we can. Grab as many moments as time allows before all of the grands are grown up and out of the house, living their own lives.
I’m running—well, walking—the race before me. I’m going to keep on as long as I’m on this earth. I like what part of Hebrews 12:1 says:
….let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.. (NKJ)
other translations say it like this:
Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat……Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. (The Message)
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, (NIV)
So, I will keep running and not quit, until I can’t run anymore. I will do what the latter part says,
keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in.
Ready. Set. Go.
You are such an inspiring writer! God bless you and Jim
Thank you, Deb!
Love it!