God is able to take your life, with all of the heartache, all of the pain, all of the regret, all of the missed opportunities, and use you for His glory. Chuck Swindoll.

I believe that’s true in my life. How about you? Sometimes we think of “His glory” as something magnificent and powerful. But I’m learning later in life it doesn’t necessarily mean that.

Using Chuck Swindoll’s quote as my compass, let’s look at the first part of the quote:


Some of you know my story. Others do not. I don’t have to go through the litany of my losses for you to know I believe God has called me to help others during their loss because of that heartache I’ve experienced.

Although I aspired to be a writer, I didn’t write my first book until my early sixties. I was a busy woman first raising my family, then teaching. I never wrote a word except in my journal. But after the death of my late husband, that changed. Although I had been a Christian for many years, my relationship with Christ grew exponentially during the days of first observing my husband in great pain and loss of his physical capabilities, to his death which seemed much too soon. I saw how much God loved me in the sorrow and loss. I realized how I was provided for in multiple ways. One day, I’ll get that journal out and share some of them with you.

After I moved through my grief, through tears, grief work, and trusting in the God who made me and knew my situation, I was used to help others in their grief. First through facilitating a grief group. And then, by writing. I haven’t sold thousands of books–and though I’d like to get the word out–I just want someone to be helped by reading what I’ve gone through and how the Lord sustained me.

I believe God is using my heartache–and it seems as though I’ve had my share of them–for His glory. How does that pan out?

First of all, God has given me a heart for the grieving person. Yes, I’ve suffered heartbreak–and most people my age can say they have experienced heartbreak in their lives. But I believe because God healed my broken heart–with lots of scars–to point others to the One who can heal their broken hearts.


I can’t address physical pain, although I observed that in my late husband. A strong, capable man demoralized by horrible pain, trapped in his body because of a stroke. It was one of the most difficult experiences for me–to watch the one I loved go through so much agony. So, yes, there has been pain.



Yup. How many of us can’t think of at least one regret in our lifetime we’d like to “re-do”? I hope to pass on to at least the generations following me some wisdom regarding what I’ve learned.

Missed Opportunities 

That’s there too.  I know there are missed opportunities when I didn’t speak up; when I was lazy and chose not to help.

I pray, along with my husband Jim, to be a light wherever I am. To leave this life actively serving Christ and being an influence for Him whether it be with grieving people. With youth. With my neighbors. Wherever I am.

How about you? What’s your purpose right now?

As I’ve told you, Jim and I read a daily hymn. This one came up from another tune, but I love the words. There is news 24/7. We don’t know which source to believe. These words were written in 1845 by James Russel Lowell (he has a lot of credentials, by the way, look him up):

Once to every man and nation

Comes the moment to decide,

In the strife of truth with falsehood,

For the good or evil side;

Some great cause, some great decision,

Off’ring each the bloom or blight,

And the choice goes by forever

‘Twixt the darkness and that light.

I won’t take the time to write all of his words but his words written in 1845 sound very much like 2022, don’t they? I must include verse three (there are three):

Though the cause of evil prosper,

Yet the truth alone is strong;

Though her portion be the scaffold, 

And upon the throne be wrong,

Yet that scaffold sways the future, 

And, behind the dim unknown,

Standeth God within the shadow,

Keeping watch above His own.

I’ve told you my purpose. What has God called you to do? Perhaps you are embroiled in a mess as you try to pull yourself out of a situation, physical or spiritual. Perhaps it is to influence your children or grand children. If you don’t have any, how about your younger peers?

I’ve raised my children and they are doing well. They are excellent parents and are growing closer to have completed their task of raising their children.

What’s your purpose? Remember God is there, within the shadow.

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