It was a difficult time. My late husband, Bill, was extremely ill with the shingles virus. In his case, it was not a simple onset, but an extreme case. Three times he was hospitalized for the pain, and Bill Rudberg had a high pain threshold. He’d sprained, cut, smashed, and broken numerous limbs—and went to work in spite of the injuries. This Shingles really took him down, though. He was so bad I didn’t feel comfortable leaving him home alone. After summer break, I returned to my teaching position and Bill’s mother, Marian, took over. It was good for both of them. She got to take care of her boy again with something meaningful to do, and Bill wasn’t home alone.
For the first three grands on my daughter’s side, I was privileged to witness their birth. I was so glad I could witness this birth, despite Bill’s illness. A little 6 pounds, some ounces, and a mere 18 inches long, Emily came into the world on this day, September 30, eleven years ago. She was tiny and beautiful.
For every one of the births of our grands, we’d taken a photo with Grandpa holding the newborn in the hospital—Sarah, Andrew, Caleb, and Annabel. This time, I didn’t know if it would happen, for Bill was fighting the Shingles Virus, but he mustered up his strength and the evening of the day of her birth, we took this photo. Emily never knew her Grandpa Bill, for four months later, he died, but I’m so glad we have this evidence of him in her life.
What a treasure Emily has been since then. She gives delight to every family member. Rarely is there a photo taken of Emily without her sister or one or both of her two brothers. Emily has enormous hazel eyes, which have such expression.
- Hiking with her two brothers.
- She liked Minny Mouse.
- Pleased as punch.
- The two girls a little older.
She loves animals and has since before she could walk.
She’s compassionate. When her Great Grandma was at a family event, she always took time to visit with her, even though there were more fun things to do.
She loves to laugh and joke. She thinks her Grandpa Jim is funny. We decorated gingerbread houses last Christmas. Grandpa Jim is the Minion in the photo:
I don’t know what life will bring to you, dear Emily. But I know you’ll find something to laugh about. Many to love. Animals. Children. Parents. Grandparents, and even Minions!
Happy birthday, grandchild number six. I’m so glad God brought you into my life. It has been pure joy! Now that Grandpa Jim is in the family, you have even more cousins to have fun with.
I found a verse in Proverbs I’d underlined:
Children’s children are a crown to the aged.
Mine certainly are a crown to me. How about you? If you don’t have any yet, I hope you do, for they really are a crown!
Grandchildren are such a joy. Yours are beautiful.
Thank you, Jan!
Dear Shirley,
Today would have been my mother Doris Marie Lydia Hall’s 100th birthday. She was the oldest and big sister to 4 brothers. They all loved her dearly and were very protective of her. Even though she was the oldest. She always loved Jesus but became His very own when she was in her 20s and I was a very little girl. I was her oldest of 3 girls who were born with in 4 yrs. She passed away at the age of 88 and had Alzheimer’s and had lost most of her memory. So now She is with Jesus and I’m sure he has remembered her birthday and of course her spiritual birthday especially.
Thank you for coming to our Albany Women’s Connection in Albany Or. at least 2 times. I hope you and Jim will come again. Sincerely in his love and mine too, Linda
What a wonderful story, Linda! So very glad your mother is with Jesus–and you’ll be re-united with her one day.
Jim and I would love to come back to Albany!
So happy to have met you, Shirley & Jim. Enjoyed listening to your lifes journeys. God has truly blessed you with beautiful grandchildren too! I will be looking forward to many more entries of you & your husbands adventures.
P.S. You should write a book.! :)
It was good meeting you, too! Did you check out the GriefShare?
Working on book #3 ;-)
OMG we are SO blessed to
Have our beloved children, grandchildren
Family❤️ Such beautiful pictures!
God bless you & Jim & safe journeys
Miss you – we’ve just got back from Eastern
Oregon camping vacation! Let’s talk
Yes indeed we are blessed! I miss you SIL (sister in love). Yes, we have lots to talk about and news…..maybe next week…..Love to Ron.
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