Sometimes, the passing of time scares me. I realize my time on earth is closing in on the last act.

Today I read from the Old Testament:

I repeat, be strong and brave!

Don’t be afraid and don’t panic,

for I, the LORD your God, am with you in all you do.

Joshua 1:9

I can take heart from that verse, because it is full of promise and hope. What does it say?

  1. Be strong.
  2. Be brave.
  3. Don’t’ be afraid and don’t panic.

The best part, though is the last phrase:

….for I, the LORD your God, am with you in all you do.

Is He your God? If He is, then He’s with you and you can be strong. Brave. Not be afraid or panic.

It’s up to you to reach for that source of strength that is promised to you.

Yesterday I walked through my neighborhood and was rewarded with something I’d not seen in Washington. A persimmon tree! The fruit was hanging there, waiting to be picked. I hope the people who live there enjoy the fruit. It looked luscious, the bright orange fruit hanging on the bare branches. I hope they know they have  a rare treasure right there.

Persimmon Tree, ripe with harvest.

Just like that persimmon tree in my neighbor’s yard, a rare treasure, just waiting to be picked, we should enjoy the promise of God, along with His commands:

Be Strong

Be Brave.

Don’t be afraid and panic.

And the promise:

I am with you.

Pick the fruit. It’s right there, ready for you to enjoy.

It’s ripe for the picking.