Time. It moves so quickly! I’ve been more aware of it lately. We just had our four Vancouver grands stay with us for a week while their parents went away for their 20th Wedding Anniversary. The grands are no longer as needy as before. One even drives now. The two youngest still get excited about decorating for Christmas, but the others don’t really care.
I’m also looking forward to another anniversary. It will be our second wedding anniversary. That might not seem so special to most people, but to Jim and I, it seems like two snaps of a finger instead of two years. Sometimes I just want to stop time and enjoy. Enjoy my new husband. Enjoy my grandchildren who are quickly growing. Soon, they’ll be too busy to spend much time at our house. I understand that. It’s all part of growing up. But again, it’s that time thing. It’s moves so quickly.
When I get those stop-the-time feelings, I remember Who’s in control. By now you know Jim and I together read a different portion of the Bible each day. On Thanksgiving Day, it was from Ezekiel 48. It was prophecy and without going into all of what the prophecy was, what stood out to me were these four words, all in capital letters: THE LORD IS THERE.
So, you may want time to just stop, just as I sometimes do. Be reminded, as I was, of those words, THE LORD IS THERE. If time will be no more, THE LORD IS THERE. If it keeps moving forward—like it will—remember, THE LORD IS THERE.
May you be blessed this Thanksgiving Weekend and the upcoming weeks to come. Just remember, THE LORD IS THERE.

Kitty Shiver doesn’t care about time–just that the light may be too bright.
Yes, that “time” thing…how many more “times” do we have to kiss, hug, see the relatives, see our friends, etc etc. I miss the early days of my children and even the grands…their little voices have matured and it makes me take a second look at them and now they are on their own and I miss them, but hope I’ve done a descent job.
Amen, sister!