Today is January 1, 2021. Can you believe it? In some ways, Covid has made 2020 seem like ten years instead of the actual 366 days. I am looking forward to the upcoming year, as I always do.
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I do, though I must admit I don’t always stick to them. They often include eating better, more exercise, more writing, practicing my instruments more, and to apply some attitude change.
The most important resolution is the one Jim and I do together. We choose a new devotional book to start our mornings for the new year.
Together, we’ve chosen these two:
Some years I read through the Bible, other years, focus on a certain book in both New and Old Testaments. It is important to commit to something–even a chapter in the Bible every day.
The other resolution I began applying a week ago. My routine was to wake up to the rich aroma of Jim’s coffee brewing, sip the bold taste while perusing Social Network and emails. Sometimes (since I’m retired there’s more time to spend — waste?) I’d look at the clock and be amazed an hour had passed just scrolling through the feeds. I decided to forgo the social media and go straight to God’s word.
The result? I’ve found even in a week, the Facebook posts don’t pull at me as they did before. I feel more content and less anxious after reading the Bible. I still check out Facebook–but later–after reading and praying.
What is your morning routine? Do you read the newspaper, listen to the news, or social media before going to God? Perhaps like me, you’ve gotten things in the wrong order.
Yesterday, I read the final chapter of the Bible and it was an encouragement. I didn’t feel the despair I often do about our world.
12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me,and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:12 NIV).
The next few verses give a final invitation and warnings and I recommend you read them for yourself–they are verses to seriously ponder. The following, the final verses:
20 He who testifies to these things says,“Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
A fitting end to the greatest love letter from our Creator!
Below is an excerpt from my latest book and it applies to creating good habits.
In past weeks, I included excerpts from the final chapter of our book, Second Chance at Love, “How to Have a Charmed Marriage.” We discussed five of the eight areas to help your marriage be that Charmed Marriage. Even if you are not married, you can apply step #6.
The first five are: 1)Pray together, 2)Communicate, 3)Keep Short Accounts, 4)Learn Your Partner’s Love Language, 5)Play Together.
Number six is one of the most important if you are both Christians. If you are the Christian in the marriage and your partner is not or isn’t interested to do this, you can apply this for yourself:
6. Grow Spiritually Together.
- Read Scripture together
- Find a good book-Read
It’s important in a relationship to attend church together. You may both be attending the same church, or depending on where you live, you may find a different one. In our case, Jim joined Shirley’s church when he relocated to her city. The important thing is to find a church you both feel comfortable in. Church attendance is extremely important in your spiritual growth as an individual as well as a couple. Join a small group. Volunteer where you’re needed. In your new marriage, you may get a whole new set of friends to socialize with.
And let us not hold aloof from our church meetings, as some do. Let us do all we can to help one another’s faith, and this the more earnestly as we see the final day drawing ever nearer (Hebrews 10:25 Phillips).
Together, Jim and I share a passion and believe God has called us to minister to others who are grieving the death of a loved one. As we said in the introduction, twice a year we lead a thirteen-week grief support group at our church. We grow spiritually as we help individuals work through their grief and experience healing from their loss.
Read a book together that will build your spiritual muscles as well as build up your marriage. In addition to the Love Language Devotional there are many devotional books available for couples to study.
I hope the ideas for growing spiritually together have piqued your interest and make your marriage be a *Charmed Marriage.*
Next week we’ll cover another area that is quite simple and most couples will give a sigh of relief at this one. After a few months or years, few married couples rarely include this step.
I think the men who read this will like the final idea. Stay tuned!
In the beginning God…..
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
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