It was such a simple thing. I complimented my granddaughter on what she was wearing, thinking I was giving a compliment.  She quickly retorted with what I thought was a conceited and smart alecky remark. Did I hear that? And with a spurt of anger, I countered with a caustic remark. It wasn’t kind. Instead of taking a teachable moment, I responded negatively.

I wish I could say I was convicted of my hot temper and remark, but I wasn’t. I felt justified. I’d set her straight! The moment passed and the remark was forgotten. But the Holy Spirit within me didn’t let me forget. No. There was a churning in my spirit. I felt sad and I didn’t like myself at all. I. Was. Wrong. 

“Will you forgive me?” I texted her later that evening.

Next morning when I awoke, I still felt rotten, troubled, uneasy. I couldn’t shake it off. I talked to my Jim. He said, “Well, sometimes I say things back with sarcasm. I don’t get it and wonder where it comes from.”  The conversation helped somewhat and I went about my day. But I couldn’t shake the uneasy, guilty feeling I had. 

As I wiped the counter clean after breakfast, I prayed, “Will You forgive me, Lord?”  As if God didn’t know, I said, “I’m sorry–and the Bible says, “if we confess our sins…you forgive.”  (I John 1:9). And then came the aha moment. I realized not only had I  hurt my granddaughter, I was grieving the Holy Spirit within me too.

The turmoil within my spirit–some people say conscience–was the Holy Spirit.  I had grieved—wounded—Him.

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).

I was reminded—again—that I hadn’t arrived. I am not perfect. I still have that sin nature within me.  I realized not only had I injured someone, I injured Him.

And then, just like that, the heavy feeling disappeared!

My granddaughter? She responded in another text: ” I forgive you.  I appreciate you recognize that [your comment].”

I am so grateful for the Spirit’s presence in my life. He reminds me. Sometimes it takes a few hours for me to hear that inner voice that is there.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your instant forgiveness. Thank you that all we need to do is ask for forgiveness and you give it. Freely. No corrective statements. Just simple mercy. Help me Holy Spirit, to curb my tongue. Help me say only what would be beneficial to others. Thank you for the instant peace you give when we recognize our error. 

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