Lord, what fools these mortals be! Shakespeare, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream, III,ii,115
Those who trust in themselves are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe (Proverbs 28:26 NIV).
I’m a reader. I love the printed word and can’t get enough of it. When I want to escape into another world, I pick up a novel. Sometimes I read them more than once if the writer is good. One book, I always return to is–yes–you guessed it. The Bible. There is much richness and comfort in those ancient words.
It seems to me our world is going crazy. Every day, something new is taking place. What you believed would never happen, happens. Sometimes, I get afraid. Will our country last? Will we be safe?
Then I get on my knees and ask God to give me strength. I ask God to give me wisdom. I ask God to help me not to fear.
I’m studying the book of Mark with a friend and this week we read about the incident where Jesus calms the storm. Here they are, they’ve had a long day among crowds. Do you ever get in a crowd and wonder if you’ll get out? How about a traffic jam? Do you feel you’ll be there forever? I imagine that’s how Jesus felt when He was constantly pressed on every side. So, He and the disciples went out onto the lake to get away. The story goes on that Jesus lay back and took a nap–He was God, but also human and He was tired! But then a storm came up and “nearly swamped the boat”. The disciples who were very familiar with boats and water–they were fisherman, after all, were very afraid and woke up Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” You see, they had witnessed many miracles while with Jesus. And then. He did something astounding and made them terrified. “He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”
- Turmoil
- Crashing waves
- Calm
Can you imagine this? I know about being in a boat and being scared by waves.I’ve crossed the Columbia River Bar, entered the ocean in a small boat and felt fear. The waves sometimes were enormous and seemed like they would crash right into our boat. But the boat just rose up on the swell and came down on the other side. The disciples were afraid too, but it wasn’t the rough water that scared them so much as the power of Jesus’ words. The fact that He had power over nature. I believe they realized yet again, Who was with them. God.
Wow! Does that bring you back to our world like it did me? The wild waves of crazy leadership. Despots desiring more power? Lies everywhere? That brings me back to the verse above. “Those who trust in themselves are fools…”
Last night, I was disconcerted. Restless. I couldn’t put my finger on my emotions. I guess I’ll admit it. I was afraid. Afraid for my country. For our world. For the powerful against the powerless. And then, I reflected on the story of Jesus stopping the storm. I prayed for strength. For more belief in my unbelief. And for my fears to be banished.
“Lord Jesus, Help me to not fear. To remember Who is in control of our world. Who is never afraid. Who controls the wind and waves. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.”
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