He Is Our Strength
I'm so glad I can put my trust in the God who not only made everything, He is everything. And He cares about me!
I'm so glad I can put my trust in the God who not only made everything, He is everything. And He cares about me!
Hiking now brings back happy memories and time for contemplation. Most of the time I enjoy it, but I must confess, I’m happier when I reach the summit and not while I’m huffing and puffing up the trail.
Just last month, I climbed the mountain for the eleventh time. It wasn’t any easier, even though I’d summited it ten times before. The rocks seemed bigger. I carefully picked the safest and steadiest one. I had to work on my breathing as I climbed. I wanted to stop, sit down, rest, and not go any farther. But I wouldn’t have seen the glorious view at the top. I would have missed high-fiving my two grandsons, my daughter--now forty years old.