Trust in the Lord and do good.
    Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
 Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit everything you do to the Lord.

Trust him, and he will help you (Psalm 37: 35 NLT).

June is a month of birthdays in my family. My sister, my grandson, my brother(s) in law, my mother in law, my sister in law, my daughter, my granddaughter, and my great granddaughter! I must say at the pinnacle would be my daughter.

Erika Ann was born on June 27.  Her birth was traumatic. She didn’t breathe for five minutes and at last, when she did, they whisked her up to the NICU to care for her further. Eventually, they found out she had lost 75% of her blood during birth. Once she had a transfusion, she improved immediately, but that scare got my attention. How? It drew me back to God. You see, I was a Christian, but a nominal one. I prayed at meals, I attended church regularly, taught Sunday School, and was the church organist….but I wasn’t close to God. That scary time made me realize I needed God–Jesus–all the time. Not to just bless my food, or when troubles might come.

I began reading and studying the Bible like never before. He became the One I met with daily. He gave me strength and encouragement. I’ve never turned back since that time. Jesus is my best friend in all my days, good and bad. He’s there during very scary times, during times of learning and refreshment, dark nights when I can’t sleep, in the glorious sunshine, when I enjoy my garden, and he’ll be there when I meet him at the end of my days on earth.

Nineteen years later, another baby girl made her entrance on June 27. Rebekah Kathleen, my oldest grand-girl. I didn’t meet her until she was age two and although not related by blood, she is my granddaughter and I am her Grammie.

Thirty one years later, on June 26, Rebekah gave birth to Olivia Margaret Jo. I can’t wait to meet her. To hold her tiny body in my arms. To welcome her into the family. She will call me Gigi (short for great grammie).

What are the high points in your life? I can say the first was when I recognized I needed Jesus to help me be who I needed to be. I admitted my need for him, and asked him to be in control of everything in my life. That was at the tender age of four. For a time, I took my belief for granted, but when I nearly lost my daughter, I realized I needed him always. I am grateful to the One who loved me and gave himself for me. He died and rose so I would have eternal life. He offers that to you as well.

Yesterday, as is usual this time of the year, I walk through my yard and look at what’s growing and changing. What’s blooming and what isn’t. There, on a fading bloom of a peach rose, was a butterfly that was at least three inches across. It just rested there giving me enough time to run into the house and get a camera. To enjoy this beautiful Two-tailed Swallowtail Butterfly. Just one more gift for me to be thankful for.

Two-tailed Swallowtail Butterfly

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Worship with me. This song and the scenery say it all: