The Bells Ring From Mourning to Joy
I wish you a blessed, thoughtful Christmas. You may not feel merry, but hopeful for the healing that will come. I promise it will come.
I wish you a blessed, thoughtful Christmas. You may not feel merry, but hopeful for the healing that will come. I promise it will come.
This Christmas season, I challenge you to read carefully some of the less-heard Christmas carols. I believe you may be encouraged by their words. Without this special season, we would not know the hope the Christ-child-Savior brings to us.
Jim and I feel so very blessed that we met each other five years ago. We enjoy our relationship with each other and our extended family and especially the relationship we both share with our Lord and Savior. We know the best is yet to come—which gives us hope for the future—here or beyond in eternity.
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem We went to a Festival of Lights last evening. The lights were beautifully placed on every tree and bush in the beautiful area called The Grotto. Once a rock quarry, a priest saw the potential in the wild and woodsy spot, found a way to purchase the land, [...]
We share the same mother tongue, but often we had a hard time understanding each other. We’ve traveled a lot this year. We began by visiting some of the oldest sites in the world: Jerusalem, Israel, and Turkey, where they consider a new building is something that was built in the 1800’s. We totaled 6,000 [...]