The days are marching toward a new season…
School is starting soon. The mornings are cooler and have a crispness that tells me a change is coming. I love the long days, longer twilight, and warm evenings of summer. But without anything I can do, the days shorten. I hear the crickets sing at night as I take one last stroll around our yard. The days are marching toward a new season–and I can’t stop the march.
Why do you worry about other matters?
There has been sadness in my life lately, not so much directly to me, but closer than I want. Good friends have died, a friend will be experiencing loss very soon, someone’s health has changed and there are challenges in those changes. Each time I hear of a loss, I have a clutch in my heart. Will I be next? Will I have to say goodbye again? This morning I read a short devotional that captured my attention based on some of Jesus’ words.
And which of you by worrying can add a singlehour to his life’s span? If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters? (Luke 12:25,26)
Those words should make a difference in how I look at things–and what I worry about and have anxious thoughts that distract me. He also reminds us:
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin..(Luke 12:27)
It won’t matter.
OK. If the Master, Jesus, tells us this. It should make a difference. I’m not going to fret and worry, because it won’t matter.
Consider the lilies….
I’m going to leave–try anyway–those things that are completely out of my hands to the Maker of life–and death–and illness–and growing–and change.
Enjoy the lilies!
- Calla Lily
- Tiger Lily
- Day Lily