Winter Sky

You might feel like this winter is never going to end. I remember feeling that way when I experienced loss. I couldn’t wait for spring.

While we’re waiting for spring I’m sure you’re aware things are happening beneath the surface. There are daffodils pushing up their green spears. Even weeds are appearing–to my chagrin. There are pussy willows giving us those lovely silvery soft buds.

Although I enjoy every season, I think spring might be my favorite. It seems every day something new is happening even though it doesn’t always feel like it.

Let me tell you, though, something is happening beneath the leaf covered flowerbeds. Keep waiting. Soon, you’ll see something that tells you spring is on its way.

I enjoy my walks nearly every day where it seems something is happening. I live in the city, but part of my walk takes me on a nearly deserted country road where there are few houses. I love that part of the walk. Two weeks ago, I was rewarded with this scene.

Early blossoms

We’re entering a new season…

The tree was sprouting blossoms! I don’t know what kind of tree–most likely a wild plum tree, but those delicate pink blooms gave me hope we were soon entering a new season.

You feel like winter will never end.

Perhaps you’re in a winter of your life. You’ve lost a loved one in death. There is a broken relationship. You are battling an illness. You’ve lost a job you loved. You feel like winter will never end.

Look to the Source.

I hope those delicate blooms might encourage you that soon winter will pass. I encourage you to look to the Source of strength who will help you get through this last gasp of winter in your life.

Be strong and of good courage;

be not frightened, neither be dismayed:

for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

Reach to the Source.

You can’t ask for anything more. You’re not alone. Reach out to the Source of strength. Take hope. Spring is coming.


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