Below is my quarterly newsletter. Thanks for reading my blog and please enjoy the latest news.
Summer is fading. I’m sad to see balmy, long days of light changing to shorter evenings and cooler days. Yet fall is so beautiful, how can I be sad for long? We have reds, oranges, yellow, and brown colors that brighten my day. There are excited children going to school (finally, in-person!). New programs beginning. Yes, the change of seasons is good.

We would be happy to present our book and the principles in it at your church or club meeting. Contact Shirley: 360-292-3155.
We attended the Christian Publishers Expo this past August in St. Charles, Missouri. It was exciting to meet with Christian Publishers and book store owners from across the nation. We were promoting our book Second Chance at Love: Navigating the Path to Remarriage.
This Saturday, October 2nd we will be at Crown Christian Bookstore on the upper level at Vancouver Mall, signing books. Please come see us! Later in October we plan to visit Sower Christian Book Store in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho.

I am a member of the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association and attended a retreat prior to the CPE in St Charles. I met new friends and was inspired by the many women who speak and write.

We drove 4800-plus miles on the trip to Missouri. What a beautiful country we live in!

This September 14, 2021, I lost a good friend. Judi Mayfield-Weber was a talented musician, poet, writer, patriot (active member of The American Legion), and master gardener. We played together in two community orchestras (she on the clarinet, me on the violin), bringing music to elementary schools in our area, and entertained many through our concerts in NE Portland. I will miss Judi at our writers’ group, seeing her at church, and at our LIFE group. It’s hard to believe she is gone, but I know we will meet again–in heaven.
There seems to be much sadness and loss in our world and among family and friends. It’s hard to understand the why, yet as Bonhoeffer said with Christ, “there is peace.”

We have a new member in our family. Meet Rudy, a King Charles Spaniel/Yorkshire terrier. He is frisky, friendly, and challenging at times, but we love him. We need training so we’ve enrolled him in puppy school.
It seems strange to end the blog with words about our puppy so I’ll close with a verse I’ve memorized and often remind myself in these uncertain times.
Give thanks in all circumstances (my emphasis);for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (I Thessalonians 5:18).
I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but I believe giving thanks in all circumstances will give you a different perspective on whatever is happening. I know this, when I start giving thanks, my attitude changes.
Today, I am thankful for you, dear reader! Thanks for reading!
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