There is perfect peace…
Perfect peace
Have you ever been in a place where you’ve felt perfect peace in spite of your surroundings? I have!
Below the surface of the ocean, there is perfect peace.
I was chatting with a new friend about the benefits of scuba diving versus snorkeling. I’d tried snorkeling and really liked it. I told her, I’d be afraid of all the equipment associated with scuba diving and not want to bother with it. But she pointed out that when you go below the surface of the ocean, there is perfect peace. The wind and current on top of the ocean–where you have to snorkel–has more movement and you can be pushed one way or the other along with the ocean currents and wind. There is the danger of being pushed away from the boat from where you’re snorkeling and sometimes towards rocks and coral. On the other hand, when scuba diving, you’re below all of the tumult of the surface. She said it was still and quiet and you can easily explore beneath the surface.

Beneath the surface is perfect peace.
Jesus promises that peace
I’d never thought of the difference, but it made sense. That’s the same as the unexplainable peace God can give us when under extreme surroundings. They could be many things: the death of a loved one, illness of someone close to you, loss of a job, betrayal of someone close to you, a frightening diagnosis from the doctor. There are numerous situations I could lay out for you, but you get the idea. I’ve been in most of the above situations and I also know the sweet peace. Just as my friend explained the peaceful calm deep under the surface, you can experience it too. Jesus promises that peace:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
I pray you can know the perfect peace of Jesus.
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Sometimes peace does not come when sin is in your life. Confessions to God can bring this perfect peace. Repentance and forgiveness brings about God’s grace and glory. Perfect peace in Him is this vast ocean of love on which our anchor of faith holds. There is nothing like knowing God and being wrapped in his mighty arms.
Very true, Toni. That’s the complete picture of peace….
AS one needs to go deep under the surface of the ocean to find peace and calm, we must also go deep with Jesus to find the peace that passes understanding. It is not found in a surface relationship with Him. Knowing HIm makes it possible to survive LIfe’s storms!
Well said!