The morning light is arriving sooner each morning. I like waking up to light.

As I look outside my office window, I see a large willow tree. It seems to be reaching to the sky. Soon, each of those tiny branches will be filled with green tiny leaves.

There’s a pussy willow along my walk which tells me the season is changing.


There’s change coming….There’s stirring underneath and above. Just the other day, we walked along a wetlands area that is close to our home and it felt like we were deep in the woods. The birds and frogs roared with joy.

For the past three years, we’ve walked by a home that is deserted. Once a family lived there with children to run and play in the yard. There were large old fashioned bushes lined up next to the road, to give privacy. There were snow ball bushes, dogwood, and my favorite because they bloom in late winter/early spring, the Camellia bush. Because no one lived there, I felt free to pluck a small branch that was loaded with flowers.


My birthday is in May and last year, I asked Jim to try to find a light pink camellia like the one on the road for my present. He found one and we carefully planted it. I discovered it has several blooms now.

This is only the first and there’ll be more to come this month.

Those large bushes that supplied me with mini bouquets in my house along the road we walk? They’re gone! One day, we walked by, and found them all removed.  Next day, the old farmhouse was gone, too.  Just like that.

Our lives are like that. Did you know in God’s economy, we’re just a mist that is here briefly, and then gone?

14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone (James 4:14).

We experience loss every day. That is life. I felt sad when those lovely, old  bushes were torn down and tossed in a burn pile. I’m sad when an intricate blossom like the one above wilts and fades. But greater than that, when a human being dies and is no more.

That bush that I enjoyed for years reminds me–and I hope you–to take the time to love. To say I’m sorry.  To tell Jesus you love Him. I believe all of the items on that list are important, but the last one I hope you pay special attention to. Tell Jesus you love him and want Him to be your Savior. Our days are numbered and we don’t know that number.

16 For God so loved the world (that means you) that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever  (you) believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

Don’t put if off. You don’t know if you have tomorrow……

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