Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection (Psalms 91:1-2 NLT).

I heard the story of a forest fire where after the fire had been contained, one of the firefighters noticed a carcass of a large bird along the trail. Why didn’t the bird fly away instead of staying on the forest floor? he wondered. As he drew closer, he nudged the body to the side and was startled by four small birds who flew-ran down the trail. Alive! The mother bird protected her babies by covering them with her body–and wings. They were safe and did not die in the fire. Just as those baby chicks were protected by their mama, we can be protected by God’s shelter.

Looking back over my life, I’ve learned in the difficult moments and scary times if I went to God for refuge and safety–just like the chicks under their mama’s body were sheltered–I felt the safety of his protection. There were still troubles, but when I ran to him, I felt safe. I knew I wasn’t alone. Sometimes there was silence. Once in deep despair while at my husband’s bedside, I heard singing down the hall in the hospital. The deep alto voice sang familiar gospel songs and my spirit was encouraged. Another time, I felt there was no where to turn, and an old family friend just showed up just to be with me. Once, when I had to be brave, but wanted to cry like a baby, a nurse came up to me and gave a giant comforting hug. Another time, a friend brought some refreshing food while I waited in the hospital for news and didn’t want to leave my husband’s bedside. Mostly, reading the promises in the Bible, gave me comfort and strength.

My husband, Jim and I have been meeting with a trainer to keep our bodies as strong as is possible. Just as we need to work our muscles to remain strong,  keep our balance as we age, we  also need to work our spiritual muscles by reading the promises God provides us in his word. There is truth and strength there and when the fires come, we know where to run for safety. “His faithful promises are our armor and protection” (Ps.91:2).

Perhaps you are at a good time in your life. Maybe someone needs encouragement from you. A hug. An encouraging note. A tasty meal. Your loving presence–you don’t always have to say something but just be there with them. Write out the above verse and share it with someone. Keep it handy when you need protection. It’s always a good reminder.

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