Profound Loss to Precious Memories
I recalled something I'd learned in my grief class about loss—and memories. They told us our profound loss would one day become precious memories.
I recalled something I'd learned in my grief class about loss—and memories. They told us our profound loss would one day become precious memories.
I think about my own mother at least once a day. She was a good one. She was wise, intelligent, talented, loving, and beautiful too. I was proud of her. She wasn’t perfect but she was a very good mom.
We share the same mother tongue, but often we had a hard time understanding each other. We’ve traveled a lot this year. We began by visiting some of the oldest sites in the world: Jerusalem, Israel, and Turkey, where they consider a new building is something that was built in the 1800’s. We totaled 6,000 [...]
Hiking now brings back happy memories and time for contemplation. Most of the time I enjoy it, but I must confess, I’m happier when I reach the summit and not while I’m huffing and puffing up the trail.
I thanked God for those memories, for they were such a part of me. I realized I didn't need to push those memories away, just be grateful I had them. I realized that she--grief--sometimes returns. But just briefly. Then she drifts away.
Just last month, I climbed the mountain for the eleventh time. It wasn’t any easier, even though I’d summited it ten times before. The rocks seemed bigger. I carefully picked the safest and steadiest one. I had to work on my breathing as I climbed. I wanted to stop, sit down, rest, and not go any farther. But I wouldn’t have seen the glorious view at the top. I would have missed high-fiving my two grandsons, my daughter--now forty years old.
That is the theme of my life. I can see how faithful God has been to me.....and how much hope is in my life. I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t admit sometimes I wonder what’s around the next bend in the road, because loving brings hurt and sorrow. But for today, I will reflect on the hope God has given me and the many blessings He has surrounded me with.
My life is good, but I still need to be reminded of where my hope lies. I also read, "Cease striving and know that I am God." I learned that "striving" means sink down, let drop, relax. Sometimes I don't relax very well.