Castaway Cay, Disney’s own island.
We’ve been on another journey this week. A Disney cruise on the Caribbean. We were celebrating the 40th anniversary of a radio ministry we are big fans of, Focus on the Family.

Focus on the Family Cruise
On the cruise we were able to preview a brand new movie–I Can Only Imagine, to be released next March, telling the redemption story of Bart and Shannon Millard. Bart is the lead singer of the group Mercy Me. We were able to enjoy one of their concerts during the cruise.

Mercy Me in Concert.
We met various teachers we’ve listened to on the radio. We enjoyed a live taping of a Focus on the Family broadcast.

Focus taping with Jim Daly, John Fuller–and Bart and Shannon Millard. Their story will be featured in the movie to be released next March.
Watched actors tape an Adventures in Odyssey show.

Characters from Adventures in Odyssey–Whit, Connie, Eugene….
We enjoyed the warm breezes on the ship, stopping at Nassau, and the beautiful beach on Disney’s private island, the Castaway Cay.

On Castawy Cay. Our ship behind us.
We laughed, met new people from all over the United States: California, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, South Carolina, New Jersey, Texas. Though we came from different states and walks in life, we had an instant connection. Why? We all listened to the Christian radio broadcast, Focus on the Family. And best of all, worship the same God.
After an early breakfast this morning, we hurried to the airport–to wait. Waiting is the worst thing about traveling. Our flight doesn’t leave for four hours so we’re “lounging” in the food circus at the airport. Reality is returning. But I’m always excited to return home. Even though the forecast is for rain and cool temps.
I’ve enjoyed the last two trips. From the 9500 miles of circling our great Nation, to a cruise in warm waters and islands. The best part of both of those trips were the people we met. So many of these people shared the same faith as we did that gives a little picture of heaven.
- Sunsets always beautiful..
- Ship is all ready for Christmas–not me. I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving.
In our reading today, I was reminded from the Psalms. The precious chapter that our mother taught each of her five children to memorize at age four.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:6
I’m enjoying the fourth quarter of my life. I love the travels and adventures Jim and I share. And what do I have to look forward to when I leave this earth? I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever! Sometimes I get excited for what is to come. For the present time, though, I will anticipate the future with no fear and enjoy the present.
Next week, is Thanksgiving. We’re having 18 for dinner. And then….it’s Christmas! Only a few minutes before boarding our plane. Here we go!
we went on a similar cruise in 2001. David Jeremiah was the main speaker. Focus on he family is one of my favorite programs and my grand kids grew up on odyssey tapes and cds. Love, Lovedy
It was really weird to see the characters! They looking nothing like I imagined–except Whit. Had a great time and so glad we had the opportunity. Your cruise sounded interesting too. Love, Shirley
Looks like you had an amazing time! I didn’t know Focus hosted cruises. :)
We did, thank you!