This has been a hectic week. We left Colorado Springs on Sunday morning, said goodbye to the beautiful Garden of the Gods scenery and entered the plains.
We are blessed with a diverse country. In one day you might be in the Rockies, at Loveland Pass, the highest pass in the United States, then drop down into the plains of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska.We drove through Nebraska Sunday afternoon and next morning were greeted with a beautiful sunrise in Grand Island, Nebraska. We drove past acres and acres of corn and soybeans.
- Kearney, Nebraska
Iowa welcomed us as we crossed the Missouri River between Omaha and Council Bluffs.This state is less flat with more gentle, rolling hills and more trees. Many farms and crops adjoin the Interstate.
We crossed another state line on the Mississippi River into Illinois.One might think of this state as more urban, yet it is really mostly small towns and farms—except for the large city of Chicago. We were rewarded with views of beautiful lush green trees contrasted with sights of amber/brown corn waiting to be harvested.
A lovely couple welcomed us to their home in small town America where we parked the SQ on their lot. Barbara and Pike lived in this house nearly all of their marriage—69—going on 70 years! Barbara warned us not to worry about the thumping noise we’d hear—it was only the acorns dropping from the huge tree overhead. Thump they did, but we didn’t worry!
I spoke to the women in Oglesby, and then on to Fulton for a group who meet in the evening, rose early to speak in East Moline, about 40 miles down the road. Yesterday, I finished in the charming town of Geneseo, with a real downtown and shops. Phew, I was tired!
It doesn’t matter which state you’re in, women are pretty much the same. They have hopes and dreams, difficulties in their marriages, they have troubled children, heartbreaks, and joy. When I tell my story of heartbreak and loss with surprises of joy, they are encouraged and quietly share their stories with me.
My hope is that my talks—and blogs—and whatever I say or do, be encouraging to my readers and listeners. When I was in my forties, I attempted to memorize at least three verses a week. My prayer partner, Marsha and I made ourselves accountable to each other to keep up the memorizing and recited to each other once a week. I came across one of those verses today and it seems appropriate as I share my story with women in the Midwest:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16.
Enjoy the waning days of summer. The hot days are nearly over, the cooler nights are here. Let the crickets and cicadas lull you to sleep as they did for us last night.
We’re staying here in Blue Grass, Iowa, only a couple of miles away from the Mighty Mississippi, visiting our youngest grands. What fun!
Next week, we’ll enjoy a few breaks and travel into northern Illinois. Cousins to catch up with. More about that next week.
Happy trails! Thanks for coming along!
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