Valentine’s Day was yesterday and last week, I wrote the blog on preparing for Valentine’s Day.
Today, I’m going to write about the word Cherish.
Cherish: to hold or treat as dear; feel love for.
I’ve mentioned I’m working on a book for people considering marriage for the second time. Here’s the concept:
Ready or “knot”? Finding a loving partner later in life takes some careful thought and study. This is a step not to be taken lightly—even for seasoned citizens.
This book is for those who’ve been widowed or divorced after a long-term marriage.
You’re working through the grief process and now you’d like to meet someone you might possibly marry. You’re an empty nester: you thought you’d be fine as a single person, but realize you’d like a lifetime partner. You may have grandchildren. You may not be retired yet, but you’d like to be in the next few years and you’d enjoy having someone to share retirement with you.
In this book, we address seven key issues we think deserve your careful consideration before you take that next important step.
I’m working on the final chapter and in that chapter, I write about seven positives to incorporate into a marriage. One of those seven is–you guessed it: Cherish.
“That’s great for you,” you might say, “You’ve got a husband to cherish. What about me? Mine died, or I’m divorced and I can’t cherish him/her. They’re married to someone else.”
I’m going to challenge you today to cherish life and the things God has provided us to cherish in our world.
How about nature? Cherish what’s in your world around you.
- Hibiscus flower.
- .
- Spring blossoms.
- Snow!
- Stunning scenery.
- Rare orchids.
- Hydrangeas.
My babies are all grown up, but I keep a photo of each of my living children as young ones. It reminds me they are the same little ones inside their adult bodies I nurtured and cared for. When I pray for them, I visualize their little faces. I cherish my children.
- Baby Todd at three months.
- Erika, one week old.
- My cute seven year old.
I cherish hymns that come to my mind when I can’t sleep at night. Eventually, those songs lull me to sleep. I recite Bible verses I’ve memorized too. I cherish the Word of God.
- Hymnbook
I cherish life itself. Are there things you can think of to cherish? I’ll bet you can. Make a list. Each morning, thank God for one of those things on the list. You’ll be amazed how much you love and cherish and can thank God for–and you won’t be able to stop.
I’ve barely scratched the surface of things to cherish. Let me know what you cherish. I’d love to hear from you.
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