Have you ever missed an opportunity to thank someone for a gift? I must confess I have! I’ll take you back many years. I was a nineteen year old bride, very busy attending school full time, working part time. We had a large wedding. The sanctuary was full of people witnessing two very young adults giving their vows to each other. We were blessed with many wedding gifts. At my break at work as a sales clerk at Meier & Frank’s, now Macy’s, I’d write thank you notes.

In my home, even today, I still use many of those gifts. Farberware pots and pans. A pretty olive green candy dish. A festive brown platter embossed with orange leaves I use each year in my fall decor. There’s a sectional dish that I continue to use when we have tacos. When using, I recall the generous giver.

I also remember a gift I didn’t send a thank you note to. Fifty-some years later, I still regret the neglected  thank you note for a fluffy set of towels. I don’t know why I didn’t. I think it kept getting later and later and I felt like it was too late to send the note.

What’s the lesson for me? Take the time to write thank you notes, sympathy cards, birthday cards, any-kind-of-cards right away. If you don’t, you might be like me and remember and regret each time it comes to your mind.

It’s too late to send a thank you to those women who worked in the dress department with me. Most likely they are all gone, but I can improve my timing.

“Dear Betty, Sonja, Sally, and Edith, Thank you so much for the lovely set of towels. The color matches perfectly in our bathroom. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Shirley”

For curiosity, I put the stop watch on to time how long it took me to write. Guess how long? Yes, I would have had to get the box of cards and address the envelope, but it took 1 minute and seventeen seconds to write.

How many times have I thought and regretted my lack of action those fifty-some years ago. The towels are long gone, but not the thoughtfulness, of the giver–their contribution to a young couple just starting out.

Since I cannot send a thank-you to them, I can send an encouraging note to someone else. How about you? Is there a note you regret you didn’t send? Is there someone who could use some encouragement or thanks? The time might be now.

We’ve been enjoying a quiet week at a county park not too far from our home. It has been peaceful and an adventure for our four-legged family member, Rudy.

Feast your eyes on God’s creation!

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