The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it (John 1:5 NLT).
This morning I read about light in the darkness. It reminded me of my teaching days and Friday chapels at the Christian school where I taught music. One of the songs we sang about was about the Word of God. During the instrumental introduction, a student would read the first five verses of John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Those are beautiful words in the light of our dark world right now. It seems our Creator God is ignored and his name is often only used as a swear word or condemnation when things go wrong. I find it interesting that in creation, the first act God did was to create light (Genesis 1:3). Sometimes, it’s hard to imagine that Jesus is light and in him is no darkness. What does that mean, exactly?
Del Tackett described in “The Truth Project” film series, how the light of Jesus can never be extinguished. He observed his son go to the coat closet to get out his jacket to go outside. It was evening and the lights were on in the room. He watched his son open the door to the closet and grab his coat. “Wait a minute,” Tackett said, “Open the door again.” His son complied. It dawned on this man so knowledgeable about many things, yet inspired by the simple act of opening the closet door, and observing how the darkness in the closet didn’t spill out into the lighted room.
It’s a tiny example of how God–Jesus–is light and in him there is no darkness. No matter how dark the world is–through much evil, God’s light continues to flame. Darkness does not overcome light.
Try it yourself. Open a door to a room that is dark–like a closet. Does the darkness spill into the room? No. The light of the room spills into the dark space.
In our dark world, I’m focusing on the Light. It is my only hope. I’ve been in dark places of grief and loss. Of disappointment in people and happenings, but the Light–Jesus–was and is always with me. He is the Light in whatever circumstance I am in and you as well.
I hope to see some of you this coming Monday evening to help me launch my newest book.
There will be nibbles to eat and a short reading by me from one of the devotionals. All of my books will be available at a special price. Help me celebrate!

I know some of you don’t live nearby and won’t be able to come. To purchase, just click on this link
The book will be released tomorrow, September 13 but the ebook is available now. You can also use the QR code below:
If you’d like an autographed copy of the newest book, reply to this email and I’ll give you particulars how you can obtain it if not able to attend the launch.
I love the song below that reminds us of the Light that is Jesus–who is God.
Please take the time to listen to this song all the way to the end. It gives such hope to me and I hope to you as well. “Is he worthy?” is asked. The answer is Yes!
Have a wonderful Thursday! I treasure each of you! Please share with anyone who might be encouraged by this blog.
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Wonderful, Shirley! I only recently saw how vital His light is to us. And yes, such a huge priority to focus on. Website looks great! Congrats on the book!
Thank you Julie! What a light He is! It becomes more precious every day! Thanks for reading my blog!