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Trust God: See All
We don't know what's around the next corner, but we do know who will carry and deliver us. That's a promise for you, too.
What Is God’s Will?
What about the command: never stop praying? I admit sometimes I do more complaining about the situation than praying.
Addressing Fear
We are commanded to worship the Creator, not His Creation. Yet, His creation is a reminder of our amazing God and these photos are a reminder of that.
The Wonders
This week, I plan to reflect on the wonders He has done. Will you join me?
It’s OK to Ask Why
What about those why questions? Ask God the hard questions. He's not threatened by them. Ask God to enlarge your understanding of what is good. Realize we can't do this journey of life on our own. Ask God to take this brokenness and make something good out of it.
Beauty Tinged With Sadness
It seems there are always blemishes of sadness on our horizons. It's hard to not ask why. And God is fine with our asking that question. Job of the Bible did.
In the Shadow of His Wings
Take heart friend as you face this day that is often full of trouble.
Newsletter from Shirley
You’re working through the grief process and now you feel it’s time to meet someone you might marry. You’re an empty nester: you thought you’d be fine as a single person, but realize a lifetime partner might be better.
Second Chance At Love
Not fully being ready to pursue another relationship can be disastrous as we both found.
Would the Lost Be Found? Part 2
Life is uncertain. As our days progress on this earth, we know we will one day pass from this life to eternity. We treasure every day we have and are grateful to God for his gift of love and salvation. God is good--all the time!
Would the Lost Be Found?
The Bible is written for us. I was that sinner who had wandered away......When I returned, there was rejoicing. Wow! Might you be in that story? I'm so glad I still can learn new things written just for me! It's written for you too.
The Journey Home
Since that moment in the hospital where my faith began to flicker and grow, I've learned to trust. I journeyed home--and one day, I'll be in my heavenly home. As each day passes, it is getting closer.
Lessons from the Snail
Are we afraid? Are we asking God to defend? I'm discouraged with the fear that seems to permeate our Christian culture, too
Stay the Course
I have to be honest with you. The news doesn't seem to bring much hope. The images are disturbing. The Virus is still around. There is anger and destruction.
A Strange Land
Somehow I knew that would be the last time I'd see her on earth.
Roll it Over
Just as the rolling Deschutes River flows along, bouncing over the rocks and trees in its way into the mighty Columbia, we can roll our needs, problems, grief to the self existent One
Creation Shows…..
I'm amazed at creation and how it displays God's handiwork. I see a Master Creator in the blooms of Spring.
Stand, Look, Listen
Perhaps you’ve been waiting for something to change in your life and it isn’t happening. He’s there. He loves you.