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The Storm
There will be other storms in this life because we live in an imperfect world. The storm of this pandemic will end.
Gems to Ponder
We can take courage from these verses--those gems from the past.
A Promise
Will life return to normal? I can't answer those doubts and nagging questions, but I can point you to One who knows about our situation. Remember the promise mentioned above. He promises to strengthen and help. He reminds us not to fear.
The Deep Love Made it Good Friday
This Good Friday is the first time in a long time that I won't go to church and contemplate what Jesus did for me. But I can do it at home, too.
Our New Normal
I'd like our world to be normal and it isn't. But one thing that is normal. We can trust the God who made us and eases our pain and discomfort.
Newsletter From Shirley
This is Number One of the newsletter I will send out once a quarter to keep my reading friends updated on books I am writing and other writing-related news.
We Wait
We wait for the time when we can move about freely. Get closer to our families and not feel the heaviness of this loss. When we can return to our jobs, and churches, and friends. Until then, we wait. Together.
Unsteady Change
Today and the days to come are unsteady and unpredictable. We don't know the future.
Perfect Peace in a Scary World
I hope these words....will give you peace. He is the only true source of peace. And health. And life. Best of all, eternal life. Let’s pray for our world. For the fears, real and otherwise. Jesus really is the answer.
Perfect Peace
The same God is still there, waiting to give peace to those who trust.....
It Has Been Good
It might sound strange, but I knew the drill. That I would be very sad and I'd have to work through the sadness and savor my past
What’s Your Wait?
Often, I'm waiting for something. Today I was reminded of how I should wait.
Choose to Enjoy
We choose to enjoy the time granted to us, grateful for every shared instant.
A Sniff Reminds…..
We finally found a way to communicate which made a world of difference.
Grief Cannot Shake
When Jesus left earth for heaven, he told his disciples he would send a comforter to them--the Holy Spirit. And during those early days of shock and disbelief, the Holy Spirit was there--and he's with me now as well.
We Walked
I'm grateful for these words that proclaim when our life began and how long it will be.
Savor the Moments
I will savor those words and the wispy moments spent with two people who are both in heaven now.
A Fresh Start
Here's a reminder. Rest in him, the maker of the universe, the lover of your soul, and know it is everlasting.