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Take Hope, He’s There
I was astounded that the God of the Universe, reached down into my doubting heart and ministered to me! Right then in my pajamas and tear drenched face, I got a glimpse of God!
Two Days After Christmas
The God who spoke the universe into being also became a human being. What a miracle! What love!
Two Men, One Song
I don't know where you are today. Perhaps in deep sorrow. Estranged from the ones you love. Bankrupt. Ill. I hope you take the time to if not sing the words, read them. It's worth the effort.
Consider the Birds…..
Don’t be afraid. You are worth much more than many sparrows.
The Best is Yet to Be
Because of those losses, I'm the stronger because I've had to depend on God to help me through those losses. And even better, brought me out to the other side of grief.
New Songs, New Mercies
This will be our newest song, freshly broken loaves for his table.
Simple Rest
As this Friday that brings Thanksgiving week upon us, enjoy the simple rest and beauty in the day.
This Chair’s For You
Before the beginning of time, God knew you. Knew what your circumstances would be. You--and I--are the work of his hands. He knows. He cares.
Approaching a New Season
If you aren't grieving a loss, perhaps you can encourage someone who is, by inviting them for a bite to eat so they aren't alone for a meal--a welcome change. Or drop by for a visit on a lonely, quiet evening. Invite them to attend church with you--and pick them up so they don't have to walk into the building by themselves.
It’s Real
You might not have experienced loss as a widow, but I'll bet you've experienced other kinds of loss. It could be death. Health. A scary can probably relate to at least one item on the list. And when you're experiencing it, it feels big. Really big. And when you're in one of those places, you might not believe it, but I can tell you, God is there. He really is. All of the time.
The Morning Fog
Our life is like the morning fog.......
Looking Back
Even though it is the season of dying leaves, a time preparing for hibernation, we have hope for new life. I can say with honesty, God is good.
A Wisp of Fog, Fleeting Shadows
I see the sun beginning to pink the sky. I'm going to enjoy it--and thank God for life itself.
He Makes Me
What are you waiting for? Release from pain or illness? Release from the grief that is tearing you up inside and out? We're all there at times--being made to lie down and wait.
Are You Ready for a New Season?
I'm not sure why God created seasons, but I'm sure glad He did.
Hello Central
I sure do miss my mama. I'd love to call her up and chat about my day.
Lucky Thirteen
Some people think Friday the 13th is an unlucky day but for me, that isn’t true.
Six for Six
I couldn't face life I didn't have the hope of that promise.