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Change is in the Air
I realize I need to make the most of this day and the time I have left on earth. I will switch gears from the soft summer nights, to the cooler evenings that grow dark more quickly. To the sound of crickets and the need to wear a jacket.
Lessons from a Twig
No one invites death. Or change. Strangeness. Or hard times. But they come to all of us. When they come, how will those changes leave you?
Look Back, Look Forward
Dream a little of the past. Enjoy the precious memories. Then look to the future. That's what I'm going to do. It's a new day.
God Always Knows Best
Sometimes God works in ways least expected. The following [...]
Travels are Fun, But Home is Best!
It is good to travel, but also good to be home.
Old and New Memories
It was exactly as I remembered it. New memories, old ones to treasure.
Unbelievable Journey
At last, after three jet-lagged nights, we slept peacefully all night. Sleep is such a gift.
Somewhere In Norway
Traveling is lots of fun, but the getting there is sometimes not as easy.
Look Back….
We don't know our country's future. I don't know what's ahead in my life and neither do you. But we know who we can trust in our precarious times that have always been precarious.
Sweet and Savory
I realize I can't continue to mourn every moment in life or I'd be sad all the time. But sometimes, I think it's ok to be introspective and think about fleeting moments. The sweet and savory moments in life.
Relish the Time
We cannot stop time, but we can relish the time we have.
Looking Back
As I get older and have more experience in trusting God, I can tell you it’s worth following Him. Believing in Him. I’m rich.
Bright Spring to Summer’s Softness
Grief has its seasons, too. I'm not sure what season your grief is in, but you can trust God is with you in your season. Perhaps this season, you will experience joy.
We Remember
If you haven't thought about where you might go. You hope you'll go to heaven. Perhaps you hope you'll get there by your good works. You can have the assurance you are going there by putting your trust in Jesus. What do you have to lose?
Cloudy Days
I think we should learn from the birds. Right now, though it is cloudy and blustery, I can hear the birds chattering together. They aren't afraid of the clouds. Perhaps they know, the sun will come out soon.
Mothers–A Gift
If your mother is still on earth, take the time to get in touch with her. Time is fleeting and one day, she won't be here to express your love to her.
The Lilac Blooms
Beauty does. God gave us flowers for a reason.
Take a Ride
I know my ride along life will not always be smooth. There will be dips and scary uphill experiences. Instead of worrying about what might come next, I'm going to trust I won't be alone.