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A Very Bad Day That is Good
As bad as those days were for us: cancer diagnosis, death of a loved one, loss of a job, pain that will not quit, nothing can compare to the day we call Good Friday.
The Lily Waits
Remember there are many kinds of grief and loss. Not all grief is death. Sometimes it is life--with pain or illness, depression, loss of a job, loss of purpose. I could go on but you get the idea...remember, you are not alone.
The Right Path
Apart from God, there is no good thing. I find it to be true more and more each day. But I'm human and sometimes I forget. I put off reading and studying the most important book. How about you?
Hope is Near
When those thoughts crowd my mind--and with honesty, they do--I turn to the Psalms.
Spring’s Gift of Color
For those of you who feel as though you are still in the winter of your grief, you too, are in my prayers. For those who feel hopeless with ill health or unhappy surroundings, I hope my spring flowers bring a smile to you as it must seem like spring will never come. But it will.
Courage To Live
Eventually, you will not grieve as much because if we believe in Jesus for our salvation, He has given us the Holy Spirit who is with you right now! Take heart. Ask God to help you live. Until you meet Him in heaven where there will be no tears or sorrow.
Hope in Spring
..if you are going through deep grief. Believe it or not, many things in life are grief! What's important is what you do with that grief.
Spring Awaits!
I pray you will be encouraged just a little by the glimpses of a changing season.
Reach to the Source
...look to the Source of strength who will help you get through this last gasp of winter in your life.
You'll be amazed how much you love and cherish and can thank God for--and you won't be able to stop.
Anticipating Valentine’s Day
I thought I'd never want to enjoy food or time out ever again. I remember the advice given to me by someone I scarcely knew.
Grief is the Price of Love
If today your grief seems more than you can bear, know that it won't always be this hard, but lessen. Grief is the price of love.
Profound Loss… Beloved Memories
January. The days were dark that January of 2006 and [...]
Don’t Be Afraid
I heard the roar of the waves.... I've always been [...]
There’s Something About Tears
If you are grieving, don't be afraid of your tears.
What is Your Word for the Year?
Are you using your time the way you think you should?
Be Still and Know…
.... write down promises with your name or a loved one's name.....
Merry Christmas!
Jim and I feel so very blessed that we met each other five years ago. We enjoy our relationship with each other and our extended family and especially the relationship we both share with our Lord and Savior. We know the best is yet to come—which gives us hope for the future—here or beyond in eternity.