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Do You Have a Charmed Marriage? Part Four How to Have a Charmed Marriage

By |December 4th, 2020|Categories: Marriage, Remarriage|

I hope these ideas will encourage you to incorporate some of these ideas into your marriage. It doesn't matter whether you've been married seven months or seven years, like us. Or even fifty-plus for some of you. All of these photos were taken after 2013. I enjoyed looking at those special days--even though some were pretty average days, we made them special!

A Charmed Marriage, Part Two

By |November 6th, 2020|Categories: Marriage, Remarriage|

It's freeing to be able to communicate honestly with your marriage partner. We believe God intended for marriage to be as close to perfection as it can be on earth. I pray these tips will benefit your marriage, or close relationships. 

First Things First

By |October 16th, 2020|Categories: Spiritual Reflections|

I was helped by turning to God's word instead of man's word and I was encouraged! I'm still concerned  how this election turns out. We still must pray and I will. Will you join me? And please, take the time to vote and be informed.

We Can Trust

By |September 25th, 2020|Categories: Spiritual Reflections|

We can trust our Maker. We can only do what we're commanded to do: trust, not knowing the future, and let Him carry us in his arms......Like the shepherd who often carries the lamb.

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